Decluttering Goals

If you’ve listed to Episode 207, you’ll know that I’m participating in the 21-Day Decluttering Challenge run by Karen Brown of Just Get It Done Quilts. (Today, day 3, is magazine day—I’ve already gotten rid of most of mine but have a few I’ll go through this afternoon after work; then we’re supposed to spend 30 minutes on a UFO. I have a couple of tablerunners that need sandwiching and machine quilting; that might make a nice break from the Storm at Sea Saga.)

I thought I should clarify for myself what my end-goal for this decluttering challenge is as, if you visited my sewing room today, you wouldn’t think it was overly cluttered. It’s FULL, mind you, wall to wall storage units, but organized. I did have one pile of stuff in a corner that got taken care of on day 1, and a few things that had fallen off the wall that I took care of on day 2. But once I get the day’s assignment done I’m using the remaining 30 minutes to move forward on other organizational goals as well. (Waiting with apprehension for Karen gets to the book day and the tools/notions day, LOL. Stuff is in drawers that hasn’t surfaced in years.) So, in my usual mode of using y’all to keep me accountable, here are my goals for this project.

As I said in Episode 207, one big issue for me is moving my office stuff back to my external (region) office and reclaiming the space for personal use at home. Some of that will take a long time as it involves breaking down my current L-shaped desk and finding one with a much smaller footprint that will still suit the task. Meanwhile, I’m going to pare down office supplies, cord storage, work-related books, and so forth.

The quilting-related big issue for me is that, now that I’m doing scrap quilts with regularity, my scrap storage system is woefully insufficient. It’s organized, but in a way that makes it hard to use.

  1. In the gallery below you’ll see a photo of my current scrap storage solution—a nice set of shelves on wheels in which I’ve got my scraps mostly sorted by color (uncut) and then by cut size when I trim them down. Seemed like a great idea at the time. But it drives me nuts every time I go to use it. The drawers just really aren’t big enough, and I think I’d rather sort everything by size and get all the random pieces cut down to usable sizes to begin with. (Yay, Accuquilt!) That means in the long run I’ll need fewer but larger containers. So that drawer unit? It’s got to go. As an “oh yeah, and…” item, I have another variation on this drawer unit that I use to hold all sorts of embellishment laces, specialty yarns, and such when I was art quilting. I have to go through it to see if I’ll actually use any of it. If not, I may vote that unit off the island as well. I’m a little more hesitant on that one at the moment and it’s not really in the way, so it’s not high priority.

  2. Meanwhile you’ll see that the storage cubbies on my cutting table are being woefully under-utilized. My plan is to get those cleaned out and then either use the cubbies for project bins of ongoing projects and UFOs, or for bins of scraps. Also, the pull out fabric containers that came with the storage shelves are cute but useless. I’m visual—I need to see what’s inside a bin. Otherwise they become what these are—random dumps of stuff that I don’t know where else to store and, well, out of sight out of mind. Several of them are pretty much empty but as I like categories, once I throw a couple of things that seem to go together into a bin I don’t want to put anything else in there. Hence, I’d far rather have clear plastic bins that I can label but will also show me at a glance what’s in it.

  3. Also, when the office stuff is purged, I’ll have more room on the one set of shelves that’s still half-office and half-quilting. I may use that for my scrap storage instead. It all depends on how much space I can get cleared off.

  4. The other two photos are my shelves of quilt books that needs another culling of the herd, and then my fabric stash which just needs to be cleaned up once I get some of the project bins and other space-hogs off the shelves. I’ve got two bags hanging from my strip hanger (tie rack) at the moment that will be leaving in the next couple so that corner will look much better than it does in the pic.

  5. As another goal that I actually think will happen naturally once all this gets worked out, I have several quilt-tool-travel-bags that I inherited from my Mom that I hate to get rid of. I know what those things cost and they’re still in good condition. The problem is that they sat piled in her basement for years when she stopped being able to travel to classes and retreats, so they need a really good cleaning. I just haven’t ever taken the time to do that, so they’ve now spent 10 years stashed on the floor under one of my shelves. I want to get them cleaned up and then placed somewhere that will make them easy to grab when I’m packing for a retreat.

And yes, you’re seeing tangles of cords in a couple of places. That’s another thing that will magically get better once I get some of this other stuff taken care of. Baby steps.

So them’s my goals. Here’s to being able to get some stuff done!

Use the link in the top paragraph to join up with Karen’s decluttering challenge yourself! Leave comments here about your own clutter-magnet spaces or your scrap organizational system.

Update on podcast feeds

So I think I’ve figured out what’s going wrong with my feeds. I just don’t see any way to fix it myself. I’ve sent a support ticket in to Podbean so, given the holidays and usual support ticket times, we’ll see when it gets fixed.

It is accessible on Podbean where I host it, and on my own blog ( It’s updating fine on Stitcher as well. I know it’s not showing up in iTunes/Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Downcast at the moment. Meanwhile, Podbean does have its own podcast app so if you’re desperate (!) you can always download that and use it. If y’all want to post where you’ve found it (the new episode) on a podcatcher feel free to leave it in the comments with my thanks!

So, for the time being, I’m going to call a halt to me messing around with feeds so I can actually do some sewing….

Re-launching my podcast

I’m in it now, up to my neck. I’ve re-launched my podcast—you’ll find it posted in the “Podcast” section of this website. I’m still working on updating all my feeds that had gone inert during my time away so be patient—it’ll eventually show up in iTunes and Google and Spotify and all those good places. meanwhile, I discovered that Podbean (my podcast host site) now has badges available so I’m posting them here as my own motivation. (“Yay. Lookie what I did. Now keep doing it, sister.”) Meanwhile, please ignore all the links in the sidebar as they’re not currently working. They should be soon.

Here’s the thing—I’ll have no problem podcasting over the next couple of weeks but in January I have a fair amount of personal and work travel that I’ll need to work around, and then February and beyond is completely unpredictable due to Omicron—my county is already maxed out on hospital beds and they’re predicting January/February will be even worse so I’m preparing myself mentally for yet another shut-down. I had three churches in my region have to cancel in-person worship last Sunday because people had tested positive in the congregations. Please be safe, people.



I’ve been spending time here and there in my sewing room over the last few weeks, and here’s what I have to show for it.

So happy I bought myself that AccuQuilt. It’s tedious, but somehow less tedious using the die-cuts rather than a rotary cutter and ruler. Is it faster? I’m not sure—it certainly feels it when I pull stacks of 2 1/2” squares off the die all at once.

I’ve been using the 2 1/2” square die which cuts four squares per one layer of fabric; I’ve also used the 2 1/2” strip die to cut my 2 1/2” strips into squares by laying them crosswise to the blades. I’m not doing a ton of those as I’m mostly trying to clear up my scrap bins.

True confessions: in clearing out my scrap bins I did also “off” a lot of scraps that were smaller than I know I’ll use anytime soon. Some got trashed (the really small ones); others got put in a zip-loc bag to eventually make their way to Charlotte’s stack. Since it’ll probably be a few months before I see her face-to-face at a guild meeting again, I may have to make a fast drop-off at her front porch or something so I can get them out of my sewing room.

And those once-overflowing scrap bins? Oh, so nice! (Tomorrow afternoon I am going to make myself work on some of the units for Charlotte’s current scrap mystery quilt. I really need to do some sewing to allow Arthritis Foot to recover from all that standing at my cutting table.)

Weekend Report...reporting not much

This was a cleaning weekend—or, perhaps more accurately, a “reverse cleaning” weekend? A “putting everything back where it belonged” weekend?

We had painters come in this past week to paint three rooms—a downstairs powder room, our mudroom, and our guest bedroom that has become my husband’s home office. The powder room needed very little prep. My husband took care of his home office but mostly was able to just slide stuff to the center of the room, so not too much got displaced to other rooms. The mudroom was a whole other matter. Our mudroom serves as kitchen overflow so the shelves are half appliances or larger pots n’ pans and half outwear and dog gear. It all ended up in the dining room.

We’d also originally intended to do my daughter’s room but it turned out to be too difficult to get everything moved out in time so that got bagged…but not before a whole bunch of my books got moved from bookshelves in her room to cartons in the upstairs hallway.

Painting now done and thoroughly dried, my husband and I spent the afternoon today moving the boxes of books to the areas they were headed to (mostly the back of my car for donation and to take into my region office) and reorganizing the mudroom. The mudroom is actually exciting as I was able to get rid of some stuff, move some stuff out of our kitchen into the mudroom, move some things from the mudroom to the basement…. It all makes so much more sense now.

As long as I don’t look at the basement. But that’s a job for next weekend.

The only time I spent in my quilting room was about an hour doing my pre-cutting for eventual cutting of the Storm at Sea blocks on my Accuquilt. I’d hoped to get all the lights pre-cut today but didn’t quite make it before my arthritic foot gave out on me (with all the mudroom work I was already pushing it). I did enough, however, to be able to do the math to realize I didn’t have enough light batik fabrics. I just placed an order with Hancocks of Paducah for another 3 yards or so (in half-yard increments as it’s “scrappy”) of lights.

Feels like this quilt is going to be humungous.

Charlotte’s next scrap quilt…

Remember away-back-when, when Charlotte Hawkes did her very first mystery scrap quilt through this blog? We launched her into the stratosphere! She very quickly developed her own website and Facebook group and has developed a phenomenal following—woot!

I haven’t been able to do one of her scrap quilts in awhile but I think this might be my year, given we’ll still probably be in near-lock-down for a few more months yet. She’s posted the “recipe” already. Instructions start coming in January. Want to climb on board? Click here to go to Charlotte’s site for more!

One ABQ and One Start


This one’s done, “All But Quilting” (or ABQ). Finally! Five years in the works! I haven’t decided how to quilt it yet. I did a little Pinterest research on quilt designs for quilts with embroidery in them and most seemed to go for an overall design of some sort that would help hold the embroidery in place. I don’t want to do much as I don’t want to spend a lot of time on it (it’s just a goofy Halloween wallhanging after all) and the quilting needs to not distract from the embroidery, which is what I took five freakin’ years to finish.

Anyway….Any suggestions? Corner-to-corner diagonals for a diamond grid? Meander? What color thread? I’m pondering, so ponder with me!

And so, on to a new start. I had a bit of a reprieve on the wedding quilt I had designed for my niece out in California. Their wedding was scheduled last April. Due to the pandemic, they ended up getting married on the beach with just parents and a couple of very close friends, and none of us right-coast family flew out. At that point, they said they’d do a reception in August, so I put aside what I’d designed while I dealt with all sorts of other pandemic-stress, and returned to it for a few days to get ready for an August finish date.

Then August got cancelled. So it got put aside again, but this time with no definite deadline.

Now they’re talking about trying again next April. At this point, I’ve decided not to worry about a date so much (‘cause I’m skeptical we’ll be traveling yet in April 2021) but I’d love to get it done and off my mind.

I’m doing a traditional Storm at Sea using the Accuquilt block die, which finishes to 9”. Since I’m making a King-sized quilt, roughly, this puppy has 120 blocks involved.

I’m doing it in beachy colors—blues and “sand”—and all in batiks.

I’d collected fabrics over a period of months for this but it had all gotten mixed in with my stash at some point, so I had to go digging again. That actually helped me as I realized how much of my original collecting had veered towards same-same, so I was able to mix it up with some other stuff that’s been in my stash for awhile. I felt like it had a little more spark when I was done.

I was a good little quilter and did a b&w version so I could check values. Some of my darks veer just a bit into the medium in the monochrome version but I’m not worried.

I love the look of batiks but the resulting quilt isn’t exactly “cozy.” They never really soften up in the way the way woven cottons do. At least I think batiks are more durable, and as it’s going to live with young adults with dogs and a still-transient lifestyle, durable is a necessity.


I sat down and did the math of how many pieces I’d need to cut—subcuts and final cuts included. (Subcutting, for those of you who don’t have an Accuquilt, is when you cut a piece of fabric to a size just slightly larger than the die itself. It’s not absolutely necessary but for something like this it’s helping me stay organized.)

This took me a little while as I’m doing it scrappy, so I had to figure out roughly how many pieces of which fabric I needed. Then I got to the end of a bunch of calculations and added “and whatever else I end up cutting.” If I cut too many, I’ll throw in a pillowcase or two.

I subcut a handful of fabrics so I could run a set through the die to make sure I’d thought it through correctly. This is how it looks when it’s laid out on the die.


And this is the final (pre-sewn) version.

(Boy, that light looks super-light in this photo. It’s really much more sand colored.)

Pretty nifty. I’m digging this Accuquilt thing. If I’d put my mind to it, I probably could’ve had most of the quilt cut out in a couple of hours.

I didn’t sew this test together as I want more variety of fabrics in each block, but I was able to see the basic layout and make sure I’d done my figuring correctly. Once I have more fabrics cut, I’ll take another pause and sew together a few test blocks.

I’m so excited. I’ve been wanting to do a Storm at Sea for so stinkin’ long!

Another row…

Row two done. Waiting for the embroidery blocks on row three to dry after spritzing with water to get the blue marking pen out before putting that one together tomorrow. If we still have power. They’re predicting high winds for us tomorrow afternoon and we have a poor track record of losing our electricity when that happens. Maybe end up doing embroidery by candlelight, frontier-style.


Friday Sabbath

It’s been awhile. I’m being pretty forgiving of myself these days. Long weeks of Zoom meetings day and night has me good for little else than housekeeping and reading by the weekend. I haven’t been doing much in my sewing room or anything.

However, I have lots of unused vacation days, (thanks, lockdown), so I’m taking every Friday in November and December off. Instead of just thinking of them as a “day off,” or a “vacation day,” I’m very intentionally calling them Sabbath days. This simply makes me much more intentional about thinking through what would be renewing and restoring rather than just what I can do with free time. It comes out to a lot of the same activities, it’s just a little different mindset going into them.

One piece of my plan was to go for a long walk with the Aug-dog. I wanted to take him to a place up on the shores of Lake Ontario that’s a nature preserve and I recalled some really nice paths through it from a family hike we’d taken a number of years ago.

Unfortunately, it’s not really obvious which trail is which and they don’t all lead off a common trailhead—not even close. They’re spaced over about a 6-7 mile area. Ultimately, Auggie and I ended up driving around for a good 45 minutes total between finding trailheads, realizing it wasn’t the one I wanted, finding another one that looked good and heading off only to find out that it was a very short, loopy trail through brush and trees with only the slightest glimpse of the lake far off over a lot of reeds. Not particularly interesting. And I’m trying to stay ahead of the rain that I can see gathering on the horizon so I don’t feel like I’ve got a whole lot of time to mess around.

I finally took Auggie back to one that was a more populated and well-kept trail that would at least take us through some wetlands. 15 minutes into the walk, I see a hunter in full gear walking towards me. Ummm… “Are there a lot of hunters back in here?” I asked him as he got close enough. “Well,” he said, flipping his shotgun into his arm and scratching his head, “I think I’m probably one of the last ones.” I look down at Auggie, with coloring remarkably like a deer, and my own jacket which, although fairly bright, is still green. Yeah, no. Not a chance I’m willing to take. Hadn’t ever given a thought to needing reflective gear since we were only going to be in public parks. We turned about face and hoofed it back to the parking lot.

I grew up in the country. I know about hunting season. We wouldn’t let the dogs out to run at certain times of year because of the risk. But hunters in a well-traveled park with walkers and dogs? Huh. I looked it up online when I got home. I don’t think it’s legal to be hunting there, but there sure were a few folks doing it openly and a bunch of walkers who didn’t seem surprised so they must know something I don’t know. Still, I won’t be going back there any time soon.

Fortunately, it was enough of a day for Auggie that he’s now conked out on his bed. Between the walking and all the great new smells (although he was none too keen on the bridge we had to walk over), he’s a sleepy boy now.

Mission accomplished.

(BTW, he rarely lays down in the backseat. He likes to sit up and lean his head against the door. Weird dog.)


I had originally planned to spend most of the afternoon in my sewing room but by the time we got back from our adventures all over the shores of Lake Ontario, it was later than I’d intended. I only ended up with a little over an hour. It was long enough to clean off the cutting table (ahem), remind myself where I was in the Halloween project that no, didn’t get done in time for Halloween again, and get one more block done, which completes the top row. I lost a couple of points on the “spooky” banner in the upper right, but overall I’m pleased with the way it’s turning out so far.


Meanwhile, I’m trying to remember what I intended to do with these. {{head scratches}}.


In other news, my daughter has just been quarantined. She lives about 3 hours north of us so this Mama Bear is worrying and not able to do anything about it. Someone in her office tested positive a few days ago so they quarantined a few people right off the bat, and a few others subsequently tested positive, but my daughter and her office-mate didn’t get sent home until yesterday afternoon. Then her office-mate tested positive this morning. My daughter went right in today and had herself tested as well, and so far so good. Still, she’s definitely quarantined through Thanksgiving which is deeply disappointing, and I hate thinking of her alone in her apartment that day. If she stays healthy, her quarantine lifts the day after Thanksgiving so she’ll probably come home that weekend and we’ll do something late with her. But we’re taking it day by day. While I’m praying she stays COVID-free, it’s hard to imagine that she’ll be able to be with everyone else in her office down.


Lookie what's coming together!


Can you believe it? This quilt has now officially been four years in the making. I got the first delivery in June of 2016. As I suspected when I started it back then, although I definitely hoped for better, it wasn’t going to get done by that first October.

After spending a significant amount of time today cleaning out my bedroom closet, relegating clothes I’m unlikely to need in this pandemic situation to the unused closet in my daughter’s room (I’m not doing much in person in the next several months so dress clothes are tops only), moving summer-colored clothes out and moving my cold-weather clothes in (although we’ll still have warm weather, I do a lot of layering so my fall wardrobe will do double-duty), and generally re-organizing and cleaning things up…I rewarded myself with some time in my sewing room.

It actually took me almost an hour to sort this BOTM out, put all the parts in order, and read through the piecing directions to make sure I understood everything. Then I tackled the first couple of blocks.

It’s very easy piecing, as you can tell. The tricky thing is that I’m cutting the pieces for each block individually and, as we always say, “random is hard.” It’s going to just keep getting harder, too, as I get into lower rows and am trying to make sure I don’t have the same fabric in any of the connecting pieces. So it’s pokey, but not difficult.

It is, however, fun to finally see how it all comes together.

I clearly got lazy partway through the embroidery. The first few blocks I’d carefully pressed and gotten the marks out as soon as I finished them and before putting them away in the project bin. Not so much everything after about block four. When I got done with what I wanted to sew today, I took out the next few blocks and hit them with a spray bottle of water to get rid of the water soluble pen. It may be too late for some of the darker marks at corners, but I have hopes. The water will also help with remaining embroidery hoop creases. Fortunately, I’m cutting them all down small enough that I’ll likely be cutting out all of the hoop marks.

So stay tuned…


And by the way, since one of y’all talked me into it, I did buy a couple of Angela Walters’ Creative Grids Machine Quilting Tools. I looked on her blog and she very helpfully listed which she used the most, so I only bought two of her go-to’s, “Slim” and “Elvira.”

I’m still uncertain I’m going to be able to manage these. I’ll keep you posted once I get to the point of experimenting with them.

Tomorrow is supposed to be mostly rain, so I’m predicting some more sewing time in my future!

Therapy Sewing

It’s been a rough few days. Not personally, but from a community basis. We’ve been in the national news. I’m involved with an alliance working on issues regarding how we ended up in the national news. It’s heartbreaking.

I’m glad my daughter had come home for the weekend so we were able to hang out some. We didn’t do anything special, but it was nice to have her here. After spending several hours in Zoom meetings over the weekend due to the issues going on, I decided not to worry too much about being productive otherwise. I got the newest Louise Penny Gamache novel, All the Devils Are Here. I hadn’t loved the last book but this one is better again. I’m blasting through it. It’s nice escapism.

Despite not being worried about productivity, though, I reminded myself how therapeutic I find my sewing machine to be. I also reminded myself that I had a couple of projects I could work on that required no actual thinking—they were very repetitive.


So, of the two, I decided to finish up the top of the impulse jelly roll project I’d started years ago.

I think I’d mentioned in a previous post that I’d decided to use up the leftover strips from the jelly roll for the border. I cut them into 4 1/2” wide rectangles, stacked them so that I could just chain stitch in a somewhat random way, and went to town. You’ll see I didn’t bother doing math to make sure I’d end up with exactly the right length of evenly-spaced strips. I just sewed strips together, sewed them onto the borders, and then lopped off the ends to make it square.

I know to some of you this would be like a toothache. Every time you looked at it, you’d wince. I’ve chosen not to stress it. Typically I’m a bit compulsive in that way as well, but I’m reminding myself this was an impulse project and just meant to be fun. I’m looking through stencils and designs I could mark into the centers of those snowball blocks—feather wreaths or other some such—to give me the chance to practice my FMQ more.

So stay tuned. It might be awhile before I get back to this project, though. Now that it’s a completed top I want to get it off my design wall so I can work on the layout of the Halloween embroidery quilt.

I have a quick notion review. Don’t blame me for spending your money.


In a past Sew Sampler box, we got samples of a new pin on the market, called (unoriginally) “Magic Pins.”

The samples were three sizes, but these pins are available in a wide variety of thicknesses and lengths.

Oh, how fast I fell in love.

My past favorite pins were very long and very fine, with a glass ball head. I loved those things. And you can tell. They had become a collection of warped, burr-covered, blunted pins that weren’t quite as useful as they had once been. I’ve tried other pins and gotten other samples, but none really took. Until these.


So this is what my magnetic pin holder is full of now.

Oh, how I love thee, let me count the ways…

These are shorter than I usually use but when I was pinning the borders this afternoon I found that I actually liked the shorter pins. Go figure.

They’re smooth as butter. (Maybe just because they’re new, but hey.)

I absolutely love that pin head. It’s a silicone grip. So easy to pull out as I’m feeding things under my presser foot. They’re supposedly heat resistant but I haven’t tested that yet. I simply found them so much easier to pull off my pin holder, stick in the fabric, pull back out of the fabric, and toss back onto the pin holder.

I’m so happy.

Check them out. (The link goes to Fat Quarter Shop—I don’t get anything out of you using it; the pins are available elsewhere as well. This is just a nice selection of them.) At some point I’ll likely pick up some of the other sizes, but for now these will do me for the majority of my pin usage needs.

More of "not a whole lot going on" and a question about scraps

It’s another weekend after a very long week, so motivation is at low ebb. I had to put in a couple of hours of work this morning (Saturday) for some things I didn’t get done during the week because next week…yay!…my husband and I are going on vacation. We leave tomorrow for a week. We’re staying in-state due to the virus and all sorts of travel restrictions/mandated quarantines and such, but it’ll be good to have a change of scene.


In terms of creative work, I did take about an hour last night to work on my newest embroidery project.

I decided I wanted something just a bit more challenging, and I’ve been wanting to do some crewel work again. I love Jacobean-flavor designs, so I bought this kit. It’s a small project so it’s just enough to be interesting without being overwhelming. The “challenge” piece is to help me perfect my stitching, really. there aren’t any new stitches for me in this. Just a more complex combination of them.


Also, after trying to do good French knots on my last project which was in a hand-held frame, I decided I really needed to figure out a way to have both hands available. So after reading some recommendations and such, I ordered this from Amazon.

It has three different hoops you can use with it, plus I ordered the clamp accessory you can get to use other frames. It’s nice and sturdy with several adjustable points.

The trick is knowing how to position the darn thing.

I used it for the first time last night and kept getting myself into all sorts of awkward positions as I was working my way around the design. Like I was playing Twister or something.

It wasn’t until I’d finally decided I was too tired to do anymore last night and was putting things away that I realized an entirely different way I could’ve positioned myself with it and probably would’ve had far greater success. Oh well, that’ll wait until after vacation.


I’d actually taken my first stitch in it last weekend, but with just that one stitch I managed to get myself a pretty serious tangle in the back. I was WAY too tired last weekend to have even been pretending, so I set it aside, tangle and all.

So… all that’s to explain why I only got this much actually embroidered last night.

Watch me burning up the track.

It took several minutes to get that tangle taken care of, several minutes of futzing with the new frame to figure out how I was going to sit, and then away I went. Watch my dust. (It was very slow going.)

I’d planned on making myself some more masks today as I’m not sure I actually have enough cloth ones to get me through a week away. However, I discovered I am well and truly out of elastic and don’t like any of the other methods. So I’ll have to use the disposable paper ones once I’m out of my cloth ones. I already have elastic on order so, by the time I get home next week, I can make myself a few more. I just thought I remembered having a couple of mask’s worth left. Nada.

Instead, I decided maybe I’d cut some more scraps into usable sizes. Well, motivation left me on that one too, so here I am writing a blog post instead. But I have been doing some blog-surfing to decide what scrap sizes I want to cut routinely. I’ve been doing 2 1/2” strips for a long time—whenever I cut fabric for a quilt, if I had less than a half-yard left, I’d slice it into 10”, 5”, or 2 1/2” strips/squares. Now I have a whole lot of “real” scraps from making masks—fat quarters with big holes in them. I’ve been doing 2 1/2” squares, and a few tumblers with my tumbler die when the piece is a little bigger. But I really want to get myself into a system.

In my growing AccuQuilt collection, I have a 5” die, a 2 1/2” square die, and a 2 1/2” strip die. Those are easy sizes to cut, and I do still remember how to use a ruler, LOL.

ScrapTherapy uses 2”, 3 1/2”, and 5”.

Bonnie Hunter does strips in 1 1/2”, 2”, 2 1/2”, 3”, and 3 1/2”, then cuts those down when she needs squares or rectangles. (She seems to vary from these sizes but those are her standards.)

In my current scrap stash, I have 2 1/2” strips, some 2 1/2” squares, 5” squares, 10” squares, and some small number of 1 1/2” strips.

If you’re someone who routinely cuts scraps into usable sizes, what sizes have you found most helpful to have in a stash? I don’t want to get overly complicated, but I would like to get in habits so I need to be more systematic.


Not a whole lot going on…


The last couple of weeks have been a lot of evening conference calls and webinars so I haven’t gotten much else done. However, after wearing paper disposable masks and one of my husband’s fabric ones I’d made him all weekend because the few I’ve made myself are in the wash, I decided it was time to make myself more masks. Frankly, I also wanted to spend some time to make myself real masks that I wouldn’t mind wearing for several hours. All of my masks were basically tests on variations on patterns so none of them fit me quite right or were particularly comfortable to wear.

So, yes, I took about an hour this afternoon carefully paying attention to the instructions from the AccuQuilt website (as that’s the die I’m using), trying it on, and then making some adjustments to make it fit better. I had to take tucks in the elastic as it was a little too long, and then I took a couple of tucks in the side. The top is still a little big, which would be fixed if I were able to put a nose wire in there. I haven’t been able to make that work right yet, in the few I tried doing it in.

The downloadable instructions aren’t the same as their video tutorial (different seam allowances and so forth), so there is a lot of trial and error in using the cut pieces from the die. I’m not overly thrilled with AccuQuilt in that regard.

My husband and I have a vacation coming up so I need to make myself a few masks that I could be comfortable in for hours at a time. Guess I know what I’ll be working on this week….

Weekend Check-in


I didn’t realize that I hadn’t posted once I finished the Halloween embroidery. Yes, this project is now finally on to the next step—piecing! I really need to get on to that. Halloween is right around the corner.

If I recall, most of the fabric is in 2 1/2” strips—it’s all in the project bin but I haven’t taken it out and looked at anything other than the embroidery for awhile. I should probably target that project for next weekend. It would be nice to have the Halloween project actually done in time for Halloween…five years later….


I’ve been more in the mood for embroidery lately than for quilting. I think that’s because I haven’t been sleeping well lately so I’ve been pretty fried after work every day. As long as I’m doing embroidery, I don’t feel quite as guilty binge-watching guilty-pleasure-TV. “Look, I know I’m on the third episode in a row of Dateline: Secrets Uncovered, but look at how much stitching I’ve done!”

The night I finished the Halloween embroidery, I immediately started searching for new embroidery designs in some of my favorite places. You may recall my new little niece? She’s four months old now and I’ve still not gotten to cuddle her. Blame my auntie-withdrawals but I ended up buying several designs I want to work up for her nursery as Christmas gifts. They’re all from BumpkinHill Designs. They’re stinkin’ adorbs. Before I started in on those, though, I wanted to do more of a practice piece that would be just for me.

The design is another BumpkinHill one. We all know how I feel about pudgy birds. And tea. Plus I’d get to use all sorts of pretty colors (no more limited color palette for years on end!) and a slightly wider variety of stitches. I’m using some embroidery fabric and some lightweight stabilizer I had in my stash. I’ve lost the AC plug for my lightbox (no idea) so I had to use the old window-and-painter’s-tape trick for the transfer. My lines probably aren’t as true to the pattern as they should be.

It’s a fun design to work. However, I’m not keen on how my fabric and stabilizer are behaving. It’s a little too lightweight to hold up to the stitching. The design calls for three strands, which I’ve used in a lot of places, but I switched to two strands for a few elements because the fabric just wasn’t behaving. And the French knots? Puh-lease. They’re either pulling through the back or I overcompensate by making them too big. I’ve ripped out multiple FKs and finally decided to wait until I have everything else done, then tackle them again (perhaps after a glass of wine). I’ve done FKs before with success—but these are killing me. I’m definitely checking out other fabric and stabilizer options for when I do my niece’s project for realsies.

As an example of how focused I am on embroidery these days, I’ve made a few new book purchases.

I love the A-Z books—they have excellent diagrams. I already owned another of their embroidery books—on motifs. Tatiana Popova is a talented designer of crewel embroidery designs in a style I adore; I’m working my way up to doing something of hers, or one of the ones I’ve been drooling over on Mary Corbett’s blog.


And just because I’m a gadget girl, here’s a review for you. As I dove back into my embroidery for the first time in years, I also began to hanker after a neater-looking floss holder. I use Artbins and have a shelf that contains all my supplies, but the DMC floss (and floss like it) container just had skeins tossed in it, organized by color, but I had to dig through everything to see what I had. I prefer my floss to be on bobbins when I’m using it—much less likely to end up in a tangled mess. So I ordered a bag of bobbins from Amazon and ended up choosing one that came with a doo-hickey for winding bobbins.

Once I managed to get it hooked on to the side of my Artbin divider securely, it actually worked like a charm. I take the paper off the floss skein and put the resulting “loop” over my right arm so I can quickly unwind it with a few flourishes of my arm (very graceful and dancer-esque, I assure you); then I use my left hand to hold the tension while my right hand then starts winding the little doo-hickey. It would go very quickly except I don’t have a fine-point permanent marker so I have to use my label-maker to label the DMC color number on the bobbin, which takes extra time as I have to cut the tape down to size. (You can see a labeled bobbin in the lower right.)

I really wasn’t in the mood for any of the sewing projects I have in my head that I need to work on, so I ended up standing and winding bobbins for about a half hour. There was something strangely satisfying about it.

Maybe this week I’ll sleep better and be more in the mood for quilting. Not sure what’s blocking me, but it’s definitely not felt like my jam the last couple of weeks.

Belated Weekend Report and Big Plans….

Well, maybe not such big plans. More “fun to be had in the future” plans. But we’ll get there.


First, my weekend report. I’d set some goals—here’s how I did.

  1. Finish cutting mask kits for friend: Done. I now have a total of 50 “kits” spread between small, medium, and large, in a bag waiting for either mail or personal “drop and run to be socially distanced” deliver. Phew.

  2. Finish the unit in month 2 missing the piece: Done.

  3. Make myself another couple of masks. Done—I now have two more. I think I now have 5 masks, although one of them was a “reject” so it’s not as comfortable to wear—it’s only when I don’t have any of the others available. Still, that should be fine for the amount I’m out these days.

In addition, I got six masks done for my son. I’d been delinquent.

And now I’m done making masks for awhile. I really hate making them—I hate wasting good sewing time on something like that. I know, I know…keeping my family safe and all that, and keeping strangers safe through the donation ones. But frankly, masks are prevalent now and at a price where, by the time I’ve counted the cost of fabric, thread, and my own time, it’s a tough sell for me to take the time out of my precious sewing time to make them rather than just placing an order. I still have the AccuQuilt dies for them. I’ve debated selling them off at this point, but I think I’ll hang onto them for a bit to see if my energy comes back to make more, or my friend needs more kits.

I never got to making the tote bag. That’s still on my wish list.


So…plans for the future.

I finished this embroidery block last night.

I have one more to go. I’m SO FREAKING EXCITED to be done with this embroidery project! I started it in 2016 (yes, I checked my blog for the first post about it). It kept getting ignored for months on end, then I’d pull it out determined to finish it and get a block or two done and then it would get ignored again.

It’s almost exclusively stem stitch with a little bit of satin stitch and a very occasional back stitch. Yes, that made it easy, but it also made it extremely tedious. And worse, 90% of it was using black thread. I also decided by these last couple of blocks I really don’t like the thread they sent. Some kits had DMC and others had Cosmos. Mine had Cosmos. I’m never using Cosmos again. It just feels cheap and I didn’t like the way it behaved. It got far more shaggy from use than DMC does but when I used thread conditioner it got hard as a rock and didn’t lay nicely. I know it’s almost sacrilege but I may be tossing the leftover threads from this project when I’m done.

Here’s the celebration point, though: I have one block left. Only one! Unfortunately, it is a more complex block, relatively speaking. In other words, there’s a lot of lines to be stem-stitched. I plan on poking away at it diligently this week, maybe even while on some Zoom calls, to just get the dang thing done. Then I have a wall hanging to assemble from it.

So I celebrated my almost-done-with-boring-embroidery this morning by going onto Etsy and placing a fairly sizable order for new embroidery patterns that are so much more interesting and will require more than just a stem stitch or, even if they’re simply stitched, have a lot more color variety. I have several Christmas gifts in mind.

I’ve been watching The Victorian House of Arts and Crafts on Amazon Prime. It’s a four episode series where six artisans move into a Welsh mansion and live and work as if they’re in Victorian times, creating their own “takes” on Arts and Crafts movement pieces using Victorian techniques. It was really interesting and I’m sorry there were only four episodes. In any case, the woman whose particular focus was embroidery just really got me re-inspired and reminded me that I really do enjoy doing it, and I’m ready to challenge myself a bit. I love Jacobean designs so I’ll be spending some time on Mary Corbet’s website looking at her tutorials and patterns and perhaps jumping in, although that’s really long-term, fairly intense work. What I keep reminding myself, though, is that embroidery travels so much better than the type of quilting I do, so when the day comes that my job returns to normal (however we define that) and I’m back on the road again, embroidery is something I could continue to do.

So that’s where I am in this current moment of time. Big plans for progress on things this coming weekend!

Weekend Sewing Plans


I made a list of things to get done this weekend in my planner. It’s now Saturday lunchtime and I’ve completed three of them: I have hard boiled eggs done (via Instapot) and in my fridge for fast snacks during the week; I’ve cleaned the kitchen (my adult son living at home is teaching himself to cook—has yet to teach himself to wash pots and pans and now he’s working all weekend and I can’t do anything unless I clean up after him—this will be a discussion point on Monday); and I’ve given the dogs baths outside on the patio with a hose. Well, I gave Auggie a bath. Spencer (aka Princess Doggie, aka Old Girl) barely let me wet her down before she started freaking out, and I made sure to use on her the warm water that comes out when you first start running the hose. She’s old. I let her get away with things now. Auggie, not so much, despite him looking at me the whole time with an expression of “But you let HER get out of it, Mom!”

I treated myself with a quick dip in the pool because it was extraordinarily steamy and I wanted a treat. But I got out as soon as I heard thunder.

And then it started pouring buckets outside.

So now I’m inside surrounded by Wet Dog Smell.

It seems like a good day to spend upstairs in my sewing room.

My fabric-related plans for the weekend are:

  1. Finish cutting the mask kits I’m making for my friend (I have something like 13 left to go to get her to her original goal)

  2. Finish the units in month 2 (I think it was) that was missing the piece from the Cotton Cuts Mystery Quilt; I got the replacement piece in yesterday’s mail

  3. Make myself another couple of masks as I’m out-and-about now and could use some.

Those were the only specific plans I have. I may have just added a new, fun/fast project to the list, though. I was toodling around on the web looking at quilty things and found this fast project from Better Homes and Gardens: Six Pocket Tote Bag. I’ve done variations on this before but when I was doing my sewing room clean-up a few weeks ago I found lots of batting scraps that would be the perfect size to use up on a project like this. So stay tuned to see if it actually happens!

Staycation Day 8: Loose Ends

Friday was what I actually consider my “vacation” because today (Saturday) my husband and I drive north to spend the 4th with my daughter, sleeping on her pull-out sofa bed. It’s somewhat comfortable. For a pull-out. We’ll be doing some 4th kinds of things like eating a picnic lunch in a park and roasting hotdogs over a campfire on the beach of Lake Ontario. There aren’t any fireworks shows scheduled due to the C-virus but I’m sure lots of people will be setting them off over the lake, so we’ll have something to watch.

Back to my Staycation activities: I had decided to do whatever I felt like doing when I stepped into my sewing room on Friday. No plans, no “I have to get thus and so done,” just pure “do what feels good.” I’d originally thought I’d probably knock out another couple of Cosmos blocks but as I reached for that project box on my cutting table, I realized I’d hit my block-making limit for the week. As I looked around at the other projects in bits and pieces around the room, I just wasn’t feeling any of them.

I realized, in that moment, that what I was feeling was a bout of organization coming on. I needed to clear the decks, so to speak.

I had gotten tired of my overflowing thread drawer in my sewing cabinet earlier in the week and hit up a Joann’s sale online. My Artbin Thread Storage case had arrived on Thursday.

I didn’t think to take a “before” picture—I was too anxious to get at it. However, to describe…

I have a thread drawer in my cabinet with grooves to hold spools. It had spools stacked on top of each other, and my round silicone bobbin keeper didn’t actually fit well between the drawer dividers so I often had to shove things around to get the drawer to close. I realized I didn’t often go into the drawer to find thread because it was too annoying.

My spool rack on the wall is impossible to overload, but my color organizational system had broken down somewhere along the way. Plus, for whatever reason, I’d always thought it a good idea to keep my go-to neutral Aurafil piecing threads on the top rack. Every time I had to find a thread for piecing, I’d have to stand up and slide around the side of my cabinet to reach the rack.

I did that for about 10 years.

Enough, I thought. Time to get more efficient about thread.

It took me about 45 minutes but now I have a much more workable system.

All of my variegated, metallic, invisible, wool, heavier-weight, and other specialty threads are now in the Artbin case and on a shelf. These are threads that only get used once in awhile (and you can see several that have never been used at all). The only thing that bothers me about this thread storage system s the number of spools I’ll have to pull out and look at to figure out what they are. There’s no avoiding that, though. The number of times I’d be inconvenienced by having to do that will be minimal compared to how much easier it is to use the rest of my thread now.

I’ve moved my go-to piecing threads to the drawer in my cabinet, within easy reach. I also uncovered several spools of bobbin thread I’d forgotten I had as they’d gotten buried in the detritus. Those are now separated out (far left dividers). And now I plan on actually using them.

I was then able to organize the thread rack on the wall by color. Who knew I had so many dang blue threads? The reds and pinks had to get relegated to the remaining space in my drawer.

I’d gotten a bobbin holder in a Sew Sampler box a few months ago that I realized would be perfect for this space. I took the foam bobbin holder out of the plastic container and am using that part in my drawer. It fits much better and actually holds more bobbins.

True confessions: I did end up throwing out two or three spools of thread. They were cheaper brands that I don’t like. Clearly I’d bought them for some special project that needed an exact color but didn’t end up needing them. Or something. By now, I’d spent the money on them so many years ago it no longer mattered. As organizer Peter Walsh used to say on the TV show “Clean Sweep” (which I really miss!), “Real estate is costly. What real estate are you giving this object in your space? In your mind?” Am I likely to ever use it? Nope. In the trash it went.

By the way, most of those smaller spools of Aurifil were from when I’d briefly subscribed to a monthly thread club. It was fun to get the colors but I quickly realized I’d be drowning in thread. You can see I haven’t used most of them yet. However, now that I’m back to sewing regularly, I plan on seeing what spools I can empty!


My next job was the cutting table. The side towards the wall is where I tend to stack, and stacked it had gotten. So projects that needed a project bin were given a project bin. Items of projects that had been waiting for me to finish them for several years were finally stored somewhere else. Fabrics that I’d planned on scanning into EQ8 were finally scanned, folded, and put on my fabric shelf.

I packaged up and mailed the two BOTM puzzle quilts and backings to my longarming friend, plus a book that had been set aside to mail to a work colleague—they’re now on their way. I returned some library books that had finally come due after the library reopened. Loose ends. Tied.

Ah. Space. Physical and mental cleaning house.

It feels good to be able to breathe again.

”Clearing the decks” has always been an important part of my process once I finish a project. That time taken to put things away and clean up has helped move that project out of my mind and gotten me ready for whatever I want to work on next.

I have no idea what I want to work on next, at the moment. But at least now I have some mental space to figure it out.

So now we’re off for a day and a half—we’re planning on being home again by lunchtime tomorrow. I’m not sure if I’ll be in my sewing room tomorrow as I need to make sure I’ve got everything in place to hit the ground running when I go back to work on Monday. It’s been a great Staycation although I feel like it flew by. Sum total: two completed UFOs, two UFOs now on to the next stage, three embroidery blocks done, three classes taken, three blocks from Cosmos done, three novels read, one batch of strawberry ice cream made (did I mention I bought myself an ice cream maker this summer?), one afternoon with a friend, two afternoons hanging out poolside in my backyard, and an overnight visit to my daughter. Not bad.

Sew Sampler Box--June 2020

This is the first time I’ve gotten my Sew Sampler Box after they’d already done the “reveal” in their blog, so I already knew what was in it. I’m fine with that—I don’t really do this for the surprise of it all. I mostly do it because I keep getting good rulers!

Photo 1: This month’s theme was around oranges. The themes are always pretty loosely defined…

Photo 2: The tschotscke this time was one Fiskars 45mm rotary cutter blade, one “macaroon” notion storage thingie, and a little magnifying bubble meant for rulers. I have an Olfa and I’ve never tried a Fiskar’s blade on it so we’ll see if that works; if it does, new blades are worth gold so that would be nice.

Photo 3: This photo is of one of the smallest Clover clips in the macaroon storage container. I could keep maybe 6 of those things in there. I have no idea why I would find such a tiny little storage container useful. Did any of you other subscribers to the box see this and get excited, saying “Finally! A storage container for my….”? If so, tell me what you’ll be putting in there.

Photo 4 and 5: The magnifying bubble (“Spot on Dot”) is supposed to help you with fussy cuts and magnifying ruler lines. I tested it and sure, it magnifies it a little bit, but not drastically. It is fun that it sticks to your ruler without falling off until you take it off. I got about two minutes’ entertainment value out of that. The macaroon and the bubble will both live in my sewing room for awhile. In my next cleaning binge, if I haven’t used them by then, they’ll go in some white elephant giveaway.

Photo 6: The pattern to go with this month’s fabrics. I always keep these but there’s only a few I think I’d actually make. Again, see the above comments about the next cleaning binge.

Photo 7: This month’s fabrics. My phone camera did weird things to the orange and turned them all brown. They’re actually all a sort of dusty orange and the green is a bit more of a yellow-orange than in the photo. When I saw that it was going to feature orange fabrics I was excited because I don’t have that much orange, but this isn’t as bright an orange as I’d hoped. These are fat quarters so I’ve added them to my fat quarter stash. They’ll definitely get used at some point…if only to make more masks, sigh.

So, I’d give this month’s box about a 3 out of 5. I’ve had some that were definite 5s. I’ve never had a 1—there’s always something I like in them.

Staycation Days 6 and 7: Embroidery and Puzzle Mystery Quilts

Day 6, Wednesday, ended up being mostly a lounge day in front of the TV, doing embroidery.


I spent the morning in my sewing room working on the first couple of months of clues for the 2019 Cotton Cuts Puzzle Mystery Quilt, Cosmos.

Which makes me realize I have a big “oops” in previous blog posts. My bad. The one I just finished is NOT Cosmos, but “Pastures New” from Spring 2018. I did it in the Portofino colorway. That’s what happens when you work on three at once—you totally forget which one is which. (The one I did in 30s fabrics is, indeed, “Stratford,” and I’d done the colorway Juliet. This one I’m working on now is actually “Cosmos” and I’m doing it in the Reiki colorway, which is all batiks.)

Clue 1 went just dandy.

Clue 2, however, was a little more problematic as I realized when I got to the last few steps that I was somehow missing one square of fabric. One. Square. I looked all over my sewing room to see if it had just flown the coop but it is not to be found. I had to send a message to Cotton Cuts and they’re sending me a replacement square.

So the first picture is what I was able to complete of Clue 2 (Clue 2A and three out of four Clue 2B), and the second is the one last Clue 2B that’s awaiting the one, sad, lonely square.

I have to say, for all that I have had difficulty with mistakes in these puzzle mystery quilts, I can’t fault the customer service. Kimberly always gets back to me so fast and fixes the problem immediately.

After that, I sort of lost steam—plus, my sewing room/home office is the room above the garage; our garage is insulated but not climate controlled so my sewing room/office is always hotter or colder than the rest of the house, depending on the season. By mid-afternoon, even the fan going full-blast doesn’t help. I’ve been doing mornings in the sewing room and afternoons downstairs where the AC lives.

So, Wednesday afternoon I spent several hours watching “Marcella” on Netflix and embroidering.

One block finished, another block better than halfway done. And then my fingertips wore out.

I only have 2 1/2 blocks left to embroider and then I can start piecing everything together! Woo!

Today I got back to Cosmos again. Only this time I did two things:

  1. I got out my 3M clips and hung the swatch card on the wall next to my cutting table so it would be easier to reference while I’m working on these blocks. Doh. Why didn’t I do that before with all of these? So much easier than constantly trying to figure out which pile of fabric pieces it ended up under.

  2. I actually counted out all the pieces included in the month’s clue to make sure it matched what they said I should have before starting to sew. Go figure.


So, month 3 is now done.

Wish I could say it went swimmingly.

It floundered.

There was a mistake in the instructions that resulted in me having to do some seam ripping in order to put pieces together in a different combination for a later step.

At least this time I had the right number of fabric pieces, so I was ultimately able to finish the month.

I do have to say, though, that while I was taking a break from sewing (and sitting directly in front of the fan to cool down a bit), I was scrolling through quilty things on my computer and thinking about my Accuquilt dies and scrap quilts and such, and came to the realization that signing up for another one of these puzzle mystery quilts would impede my ability to do some stashbusting with my Accuquilt this fall. I can make myself my own dang kits, as it were. Mistakes aside, I do enjoy the puzzle mystery quilts because it’s fun to see how they ultimately come together, but for now, I have cancelled the subscription I’d done a few weeks ago to their fall mystery quilt. I’m anxious to work on some of my own designs again.

I finally did my pool yoga yesterday—first time of the season. Boy did that feel good. It’s supposed to get up into the 90s today so I suspect I’ll be in the pool again this afternoon. It’s a vacation-y thing to do, after all. If I do more sewing or embroidery, I’ll do another post later.