Episode 229 In Which I Have new Quilt Books 3-15-25

General life updates, and I talk about some new-to-me quilt books!

Quilts for Scrap Lovers by Judy Gauthier.

Charm School: 18 Quilts from 5" Squares: A Beginner's Guide eBook : by Vanessa Goertzen

Jelly Roll Quilts: The Classic Collection, by Pam and Nicky Lintott

Layer Cake, Jelly Roll and Charm Quilts by Pam and Nicky Lintott

The Best of Jelly Roll Quilts by Pam and Nicky Lintott

For more information on the Acorn Easy Press, here’s a link to their starter kit on their website.

Episode 226 In Which I Have a Pressing Station 9-24-24

Lookie what I made! Here’s my new pressing station—a basic portable folding table with adjustable height legs topped with a padded sheet of plywood. I described how I made it in the episode, but I was basing mine on several different Youtube and blog tutorials of variations of the idea. (Pardon the overflowing trash can! That’ll get emptied soon, I promise.)

Just for kicks n’ giggles, here’s my Accuquilt “station” (although I’m not sure it can rightly be called a station since it’s not a self-contained unit with all the dies right at hand). My embroidery supplies now live beneath it.

I also mention in the episode that I was working on a heart block. Here she is. Very basic, easy pattern. The background fabric was provided but we pulled our own scraps—one set was to be reds (which I chose to do), and the other is multicolored, if I recall. I only took one block to do since I knew I was traveling quite a bit. Most people are making two.

Episode 225 In Which I Think Through Scraps 9-7-24

Show notes:

Bonnie Hunter’s Scrap Users’ System: https://quiltville.blogspot.com/2005/06/scrap-users-system.html

Karen Brown of Just Get It Done Quilts: https://youtu.be/bmBvqwSj0IE?si=GU7d8IMmkca6quTk

Lori Dickman of Quilting with Lori: http://quiltingwithlori.com/

Joan Ford’s Scrap Therapy system: https://hummingbird-highway.com/scraptherapy-books/

Lori Holt of Bee in My Bonnet Scrappiness is Happiness book

Charlotte Hawkes’ organizational system can be found here. Her Facebook group is https://www.facebook.com/groups/795322573884605. Be sure to subscribe and/or join the group so you get notified when her 2025 mystery quilt begins!

From listener Colleen, the Acorn Precision Piecing System: https://acornmakers.com/pages/your-education-destination.

Episode 222 In Which We Review Books on Scraps 6-25-24

In this episode I do the usual (if brief) catch-up on my current quilting projects, review some books, and respond to listener comments including a discussion of using lines on your mat rather than your ruler. Also, a listener question for you: Have you been on a quilt tour? If so, what was your experience? 

Both by Diane D. Knott

Scrap Quilt Secrets: 6 Design Techniques for Knockout Results

Strip Quilt Secrets: 5 Techniques-15 Projects


Crumb Quilts: Scrap Quilting the Zero Waste Way by Emily Bailey

Perfect 5 Quilts by It's Sew Emma (available at Fat Quarter Shop)

Triangles on a Roll Quilts by It's Sew Emma (available at Fat Quarter Shop)

Episode 218 In Which I Lean into a Mistake 4-1-24

Just for a refresher, here’s the link to the Creative Grids Wonky Log Cabin ruler.

In the picture below (photo credit Creative Grids) you’ll see what I’m describing as the trim lines being dotted versus solid lines. If only that last line had been dotted! My brain was fully trained after so many rounds of trimming based on the solid line that the logic that the ruler didn’t actually end there never wormed its way into my brain. Surely that should be written up as some sort of psychological test somewhere. “How many quilters will stay fully focused on the solid line even when all logic points in another direction?”

Episode 216 In Which I'm Log Cabining 3-17-24

Hello, World!

In this episode, I talk briefly about what kept me away since my last episode, but mostly talk quilty!

Referenced in this episode:

Janome 1/4” sewing foot with guide

Janome 1/4” sewing foot without guide

I can’t find the 1/4” foot I have with the red lines online—maybe it’s discontinued. This one is close, but it has the flange guide that mine does not have.

Oops. On the episode I referred to the tape I was using as “tiger tape” but it’s diagonal seam tape from Cluck Cluck Sew. Tiger tape is the one you use in embroidery/hand sewing to give you even lines.

The “seam guide doohickey” I mentioned in the episode is the Guidelines4Quilting Seam Guide Setter.

Creative Grids Curvy Log Cabin Trim Tool (this link is for the 8” size; you can buy it multiple places)

Creative Grids Wonky Log Cabin Trim Tool (10”)

Creative Grids Log Cabin Trim Tool (this link is for 6” and 12” on the same ruler—there are multiple options here too)

For the Accuquilt Log Cabin die, if you want to help support this podcast/blog you can use the Accuquilt link on my home page to get to Accuquilt and search “log cabin die.” I’m an affiliate. Thank you!

Episode 213 In Which Clips Are the Wrong Choice 3-20-22

In terms of show notes, I didn’t really mention any in the episode but here are two videos for you: One is a tutorial on binding (just in case you don’t know how to do it), and the one below it shows how to use the Fons and Porter Binding Tool that I’ve used for years and absolutely love. Then, below that, there’s a link for where to buy it.

Fons and Porter Quilting Binding Technique (without tool)

Binding Tool tutorial. There are many binding tools out there—this is the one I have and love.

Click here for the Fons and Porter Binding Tool at Amazon. Look at your local quilt shop first, though!

Episode 211 In Which I Build a Desk 2-28-22

Jordan Fabrics YouTube tutorial for Simple Simon quilt pattern

“Carolina Lilies” by Robin Pickens for Moda (Missouri Star Quilt Company)

The Quilt Show with Alex Anderson and Ricky Tims

Home Grown Home Sewn in Cincinnati, OH, and their YouTube channel

Fabric Cafe and the Three-Yard Quilt books

Elise Baek’s website (EPP) with the Dilly Flower Hexagon Sew-along sign up. Not much info there, but you can watch Week 1 sew-along video on Youtube here. If you subscribe to it on her website, she emails all the info you need.

Panasonic 360 Cordless Ceramic Iron