Episode 209 In Which I've Been Decluttering

Once again, if you’ve missed it before, here’s the link to Karen Brown’s 2022 21-Day Decluttering Challenge (#2022declutterring).

Cotton Cuts fabric subscription is available here.

Here’s a link to AccuQuilt strip-cutter dies so you can see all the sizes they have available. Right now they’re offering 41% off qualifying orders with a code—it’s all on their website. (As an affiliate, purchasing through this link helps support my podcast and blog. Thank you!)

Episode 208 In Which I Did More Longarming 1-15-22

To check out Fat Quarter Shop’s Sew Sampler box, click here. (Using this link helps support this podcast and blog—thank you!)

For QuiltyBox, click here.

For Annie’s Fat Quarter Club, click here.

For Cotton Cuts Club, click here.

For Karen Brown at Just Get It Done Quilts’ 2022 Decluttering Challenge, click here.

For Lori Miller’s EQ8 Block Designs for Accuquilt, click here. (Using this link helps support this podcast and blog—thank you!)

Episode 207 In Which I Did Some Longarming 1-2-22

In this episode, I describe my recent experience renting some time on a longarm quilting machine at a local quilt shop. I also give some general updates on other quilty projects and talk about my 2022 goals.

Mentioned in this episode:

Just Get It Done Quilts by Karen Brown on YouTube: January 21-Day Decluttering Challenge

From listener Shari: https://www.ifoundaquiltedheart.com

The Adjustable Size Jelly Roll Race Quilt Pattern by Donna at Jordan Fabrics

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Episode 205 In Which Time Has Passed 12-18-21

I’m welcoming myself back to my own podcast! It’s been awhile, so I spend a little bit of time on a life update, and then talk about my current quilty projects (the Storm at Sea which is almost in its third year of progress) and set myself some goals. I also give you permission to nag me to quilt!

Mentioned in this podcast:

Ready Player One by Ernest Cline, audiobook read by Wil Wheaton (whom I accidentally said was from Lost in Space but is actually from Next Generation as any good geek knows—slip of the tongue)

The Yoga Room from Round Rock, TX, on YouTube

Accuquilt Go! Storm at Sea Die (Accuquilt constantly has sales—I have paid full price for very, very few dies so keep an eye out!)

Episode 203 (a year later) In Which I'm Confined to a Couch 12-31-17

For information referred to in this episode, read the last couple of posts on my blog. Also, the quilt books I reference (links are my Amazon Affiliate links, thank you): 

My StitchFix referral link if you're interested in checking it out.

My PageHabit referral link if you're looking for a new book subscription club.

My Barkbox referral link (Auggie LOVES his Barkbox)

My Terra's Kitchen referral link (with the caveat that I haven't actually really tried it yet, but it does get great reviews!)

And if you don't want to use the referral links, just google any of those titles and you'll be able to find all sorts of information easily enough. No worries--I won't be offended!

Episode 202 In Which I Organize Thread 12-6-16

Two episodes in two weeks! That's, like, a record or something for me...

Sandy update (and I've touched fibers, so there's an update!), a bit about clothing, and a lot about organizing my embroidery thread stash. Plus a book review!

Slow Stitch: Mindful and Contemplative Textile Art, by Claire Wellsley-Smith

Art Bin Super Satchel bins and storage rack

(As an Amazon associate, using these links helps support my podcast and blog. Thank you!)

Episode 201 In Which I Resurface Briefly to Talk about Stuff 11-27-2016

Audio Block
Double-click here to upload or link to a .mp3. Learn more

Ahem. It's been awhile. Howdy, strangers!

In this episode, I update you on a few finishes that happened since the end of June, and talk about current and future projects.

Mentioned in this episode:

Slow Stitch: Mindful and Contemplative Textile Art, by Claire Wellesley-Smith

MAGnificent Floor & Table LED Magnifying Lamp (I didn't pay this much for mine as I got a great show special price for it)

Instant Pot (Check Amazon for special prices)

Rituals for Living Dreambook

Erin Condren customizable planners

The Quilter's Planner

Passion Planner


Episode 200 In Which We Turn 200! 6-26-16

Welcome to my 200th episode! Since I missed my 6th podcastaversary back in March, I'll take this opportunity instead to give some stuff away! Look underneath the podcast player for information about my 200th episode giveaway!

In this episode, I talk a little bit about vacation but mostly about what I've been up to in my sewing room and embroidery-wise. I've been making progress! Plus, the ever-favorite-of-mine, listener feedback!

Later note: I misspoke in this episode and said both embroidery projects I have going are Lynette Anderson designs. They're not. I got it right in the related blog posts, though--the Christmas ornaments are Lynette Anderson, the Halloween BOM is Bunny Hill Designs. My bad!

And so...it's my

200th episode!

Which means it seems to be time for a giveaway!

Enter to win these fat quarters and the "Quick Turn tool" (sold in a variety of places but it's come in particularly handy on my Annie Unrein projects--she sells it on her website at www.byannie.com.) The Quick Turn tool is an easy way to turn fabric tubes right-side out again--something you do a lot of in making accessories.

To enter, leave a comment below responding to this question:

What would you love to do 200 times? 

I've loved posting 200 episodes. I've loved the conversation, the comments, the challenge, and making new friends via the airwaves (or the fiber optic cables, whatever). I love seeing pictures of what y'all are working on, and I love getting your excellent tips for how I could avoid completely screwing something up the next time I work on it. I love being inspired by your projects and I love it when you poke at me to keep going when I'm ready to toss it in. Thanks for 200 fun times, and I'm looking forward to more!

Also, I'd love to eat 200 pieces of chocolate. Although probably not all at once. That might be gross.

So--leave your comments--what would you love to do 200 times?

After you've left your comment, use the Rafflecopter widget to enter the giveaway. (I can't include you unless you're in Rafflecopter as the winner gets chosen at random through their widget.)


Episode 199 In Which I'm All About Annie 5-22-16

Here's my new microphone. 

Ain't it cute?

In this episode, I talk about my current--finished!--quilt project: that now-infamous Annie Unrein cosmetics bag. But then I obviously will not let Annie win as I'm going back to the well for another couple of projects, also referenced in this episode. A brief reference to the Jacob's Ladder quilt and another couple of projects I want to do in upcoming weeks.

After all the quilty talk is done, I share some changes I've made in the last few weeks that have made a vast improvement to my physical and mental health. But I do let you know when it's coming so you can turn off if you're just interested in quilty stuff.

Still--I hope you'll leave comments! It's far easier for me to talk to you when you're talking back! :-)

In this episode: 

Quilt blocks for Ft. McMurray, Alberta, Canadahttp://slostudio.ca/post/143898346607/quilts-for-fort-mcmurray

Twilter block swap: Birds in the Air block--check out the Twilters group on Facebook. If you're not a member, let me know.

Annie Unrein's Catch All Caddy (which I think I mistakenly referred to as the Carry-All bag, which is a different pattern altogether)

Annie Unrein's Train Case Trio pattern

Annie Unrein's Ultimate Travel Bag (this is the one I'm doing the Craftsy class for)

Jewelry Roll pattern by ModKid by Patty Young on Craftsy

Upright Duffle Gym Bag by StudioCherie on Craftsy

Gretchen Rubin's books: The Happiness Project, Better Than Before

By the way, I didn't talk about this in the podcast, but I used every dang one of these feet, and a couple others that didn't make it into the picture, at some point in the making of the cosmetics bag...


Episode 197 In Which We're Back in the Saddle Again April 30, 2016

This is a bit of a random catch-up episode but I do talk a fair amount of fabric and quilty stuff!

Mentioned in this episode:

Alamosa Quilt Company

Ozzypip Quilts

The Annie Unrein pattern I'm currently working on is in her Craftsy class, Sew Sturdy Travel Organizers. (Using this link helps support my podcast and blog. Thank you!) 

Gretchen Rubin's The Happiness Project, Better Than Before (the book), Better Than Before (the journal), and Happier at Home (currently on sale for $1.99 on Kindle). She and her sister also have a podcast, "Happier with Gretchen Rubin," available on iTunes and Stitcher, and probably lots of other places. 

Episode 194 In Which We Recap 2015 and Look Ahead to 2016 Quilty Resolutions 12-29-15

In this episode I report on how I did with my 2015 Quilty Resolutions and what it meant to have a Word of the Year; I also remind y'all what your 2015 Words of the Year were and ask for updates! Then we turn to 2016 Quilty Resolutions. I share mine, and then once again invite you to share yours and enter my giveaway. I end the episode by talking about a few books I've found helpful in helping me with crazy quilting, embroidery, and beadwork.

 Please note: I have now posted the Quilty Resolutions submission form here.

Mentioned in this episode:

Judith Baker Montano's Embroidery & Crazy Quilt Stitch Tool

Stitched Blooms: 300 Floral, Leaf & Border Motifs to Embroider by Carina Envoldsen-Harris

Doodle Stitching: The Holiday Collection by Aimee Ray

Beading on Fabric by Larkin Jean Van Horn

Crazy Quilting by Christine Dabbs

Quilting...Just a Little Bit Crazy by Allie Aller & Valerie Bothell

Allie Aller's Crazy Quilting

Rodale's Successful Quilting Library: Creative Embellishments

One I forgot to mention but is also really great: 

Foolproof Crazy Quilting by Jennifer Clouston 


(Disclosure: As an Amazon affiliate, using the Amazon links in this post helps support my podcast and blog. Thank you!)


Episode 193 In Which We Talk Quilty Resolutions and Fidget Quilts

In this episode I talk about a family emergency that turned into a quilty project; I also discuss how to save embroidery projects from the trash can, and a little bit about de-gunking irons, all in the context of my current works in progress (or finishes). I also introduce the 2016 Quilty Resolutions Challenge concept, although the actual challenge won't launch on my blog for another several days. But this'll get you thinking!

Episode 192 In Which I'm Finally on School Break

A little bitta bling--always hard to get a blingie picture, though!

A little bitta bling--always hard to get a blingie picture, though!

I can actually talk about quilting and embroidery and fun stuff now! Progress update on several embroidery projects and a bit about some quilting projects. I do talk about my school-related plans for the break until my January class, but I warn you when it's coming so you can just stop listening at that point if you'd like to; I do, however, end with listener feedback as usual. And by the way, I apparently have a complete mental breakdown by the end. Barely coherent, really. So it may be worth hanging in for the entertainment value.

Mentioned in this episode: 

Scandinavian Needlecraft by Clare Youngs

KFNeedleworkDesign on Etsy

Lorraine at ColourComplements on Etsy who REALLY lives in Canada, not the UK as I mistakenly reported. (I've since fixed it on that blog post.)

Akonye Kena fair trade embroidery threads (and check out their buttons too)

Daylight wafer light box that my friend has and I really, really want.

And here's the real link for MeinkeToy, although I've also fixed it in that episode show notes as well.


Episode 190 In Which We Get a Little Bit Crazy 11-23-15

Letting you know it's time to get ready for #BFSI! In this episode, I talk about a finish, a near finish, a I-wonder-if-I'll-finish-it-in-time-for-Christmas, and a it-has-a-snowball's-chance-in-h-e-double-hockey-sticks of ever getting finished. 

I mentioned Sue Spargo's website for threads: www.suespargo.com. The other one I talked about is MeinkeToy Fiber Art Supplies at www.meinkeytoy.com