Episode 187 In Which I'm a Little Bit Older but Maybe Not Wiser 8-30-15

Hey--two weeks in a row! It's a miracle! In this episode I remind you all of the Banned Books Week Challenge, then I talk about turning 50, working on Jacob's Ladder (and a tool recommendation), some crewel embroidery (and a tool recommendation), and a titch about Craftsy classes I'm working on. Then I finally--FINALLY--do some listener feedback! Woo! My favorite part!

In this episode:

Morgan Products Lap Stand Embroidery Hoop

Clearly Perfect Angles

Ultraglide foot for Janome (there are different Ultraglide feet depending on your model of Janome--be sure to check which one would fit your machine.)

Allie Aller's Crazy Quilting: Modern Piecing and Embellishing Techniques for Joyful Stitching

Gretchen of 120 Blocks blog review of the above

Episode 186 In Which I Went to QuiltWeek 8-23-15

In this episode, I talk a little bit about school, about the sewing projects I've actually managed to get done, and about AQS QuiltWeek in Syracuse (attended on August 1st). 

For the blog post about my QuiltWeek acquisitions, click here

For the post about the totebag I made using one of the patterns I bought at QuiltWeek, click here. 

For the post with the Craftsy class review and pics of the zippered pouches I made, click here

To check out the Facebook Twilters group, click here

Episode 183 In Which I've Not Fallen off the Face of the Earth 5-30-15

Hey, strangers! I know, I know. It's been awhile. Time just got away from me these last few weeks. But this episode plays catch up!

Referenced in this episode:

Episode 181 In Which I Get Reorganized 4-19-15

In this episode, I talk about my work road trip and why I didn't have a whole-lotta quilty goin' on, but how I'm setting myself up for more success (and less stress) in the future. There's also the first half of a backlog of listener feedback!

In this episode:

The Power of Full Engagement: Managing Energy, Not Time, Is the Key to High Performance and Personal Renewal, by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz

Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity, by David Allen. (Also good as an audiobook.)

(I'm an Amazon associate so using those links helps support this podcast and blog--thank you!)

Lifetopix App (this link goes to ITunes description--if you're another platform, just check Google.)

For more information on David Allen's GTD system, you can also visit his website at gettingthingsdone.com

An interesting, but very fast/surface "energy profile" based on Loehr and Schwartz' work can be found at www.performanceprograms.com. However, you need to be familiar with their work to understand what the categories mean. I really do highly recommend their book!

Episode 180 In Which I Announce Giveaway Winners and I Am Poking Away at Stuff 4-6-15

In this episode I announce the lucky winners of my 5th Podcastaversary Giveaway--woo! Thanks, everyone--it was a lot of fun! Then I talk about what I've been up to as I've been wandering hither and yon about the country for the last couple of weeks, and I let you in on big news in my personal life (it's announced at the beginning but I don't talk about it at any length until the very end so you can choose whether or not to listen in at that stage). 

In this episode: Color Play by Joen Wolfrom

Episode 179 In Which I Descend to the Basement 3-15-15

In this episode, I'm still trying to figure out the new microphone. (Sorry! It's a little more "live" than my old one!) I talk about getting rid of some stash, adventures with embroidery, frustrations with even just prepping for some upcoming projects, and having lots of fun in the basement.

Referenced in this episode:

Craftsy class: Fun with Fabric Paint Techniques with Cindy Walters 

Thread Painting Made Easy by Terri White (American Quilter's Society, 2008)

(These are both affiliate links--using them helps support this podcast and blog--thanks!)

Episode 177 In Which I Took Another Class 3-1-15

Did I fix the sound issues? I'm using a new recording software with a HUGE learning curve. I think I figured out the basics so hopefully the sound will be fine this time around. However, I apologize for the large file size for those of you who are downloading. I haven't yet figured out how to reduce that in this new software. Baby steps. 

In this episode, I talk about my happy dances on a benchmark reached in one of my current textile projects, plus a teaser for my upcoming giveaway. And did you know it's National Crafting Month? Get ready for National Quilting Day on March 21! I also talk about the class on Colors and Curves I took yesterday and two books she recommended. Plus, I finally do a couple of week's worth of listener feedback.

Mentioned in this episode:

Intuitive Color and Design: Adventures in Art Quilting by Jean Wells

Vivacious Curvy Quilts (which I may have misnamed in the episode--If I did, I'm sorry), by Dianne S. Hire

Episode 176 In Which I Got Some New Toys 2-22-15

In this episode I feel like I got a bit rambly, but I think it's okay because I still gave a lot of information about tools, notions, apps, and books that I've recently gotten my hands on. Plus a Sandy update about what I'm currently working on. Listener Feedback will happen next week, so get those comments in!

Felt Magazine (which I mistakenly referred to in the episode as "Felted")

Embellish Magazine

Tray Dyeing: Exploring Colour, Texture and Special Effects by Clarie Benn and Leslie Morgan

Quiltography App 

Supreme Slider

Episode 173 In Which We Experiment 2-1-15

It's snowing! And that means pretty, pretty colors spring to life in my basement. In this episode, I announce the winners of the 2015 Quilty Resolutions Giveaway and a throw-down-the-gauntlet challenge between me and Sandi of Quilt Cabana Corner podcast and blog involving snow-dyes. I also talk about the possible chance of a meet-up in Kansas in June. I give an update of my current quilty projects, talk a little bit about reading plans for 2015, and do some listener feedback.

Website for the Kansas City Regional Quilt Festival (June 19-21): http://kcrqf.com/

The book podcasts I refer to in this episode are:

Daisy of Very Lazy Daisy Quilts podcast and blog lifted these up to my notice, although they've also been talked about by Tanesha of Crafty Garden Mom podcast and blog as well.

The books I referenced are:

The Audible audiobooks I referenced are:

And, finally, the monthly short story magazine subscription I mentioned is One Story, at www.one-story.com

Episode 172 In Which I Make Progress on Stuff

I'm back in the land of the living...mostly...and talk about some projects I've been poking away at over the last couple of weeks when I wasn't busy coughing, sneezing, or laying in a darkened bedroom with warm compresses on my eyes. 

I forgot to go back and tell you the name of the audiobook I reference in this episode: it's A Demon Summer by G.M. Malliet, a cozy British mystery read by a great narrator. (Malliet is American but went to school at Oxford and lived in the UK for a period of time.) I'm enjoying it, although only about halfway through so check in with me later when I've finished it.  

The Tooly Tool Holder Easel pattern by Sew Together available on Craftsy (this is not an affiliate link)

The Missouri Star Quilt Company zipper pouch tutorial, in case you're interested, is at the bottom of this page underneath the podcast.

(Sorry--I misnamed the episode in the MP3 file--oops!)

Episode 171 In Which We Talk 2015 Quilty Resolutions 12-31-14

I'm skipping the "travelogue" portion of report on my trip to Burma/Myanmar for now (and explain that a little bit in this episode). Meanwhile, back to our regularly scheduled programming--it's time for 2015 Quilty Resolutions! In this episode I give a Sandy Update about what I'm currently working on, as well as a summary of how I did on my own 2014 quilty resolutions. Then I announce the 2015 Quilty Resolution Challenge!

I'll have a submission form and Rafflecopter up on my blog sometime before the end of this week so you can enter my 2015 Quilty Resolution Challenge Giveaway. Have fun thinking of what you want to do!