Episode 170a In Which I Am Back from Burma--Textile Mix 12-27-14

This episode is for textile lovers--quilters, weavers, spinners, and fiber artists. In this episode, I talk about all the wonderful textiles I met while in Burma/Myanmar in December. You'll hear about silk, cotton, and lotus spinning and weaving, and my adventures with a talented seamstress/tailor. 

Pictures will be on my blog sometime next week.

For more information about lotus weaving, visit:


(I believe that may be the place we actually visited, but it's a little hard for me to know for sure from the pictures. In any case, it describes the process.)

Episode 169 In Which I Do Embroidery 11-16-14

No take-backs! I promise--this one will stay. I'm done messing with your minds for awhile. In this episode, I talk about machine quilting words and doing some hand embroidery. Plus the usual listener feedback. This may or may not be the last episode I'm able to post before skipping the country. If I don't manage one next week, I'll catch ya on the rebound!

Episode 168 In Which I Have Visa Will Travel


I posted the original episode 168 on Sunday afternoon, then pulled it back off again on Monday morning as I woke up thinking, "Sheesh--I could have done better." So this is the remix version.

In this episode I give a couple of announcements about upcoming happenings in the social networking world of quilters, as well as a Sandy Update including how a Craftsy class helped me figure out a quilt design and how purple dye is back in my life again, and the highlight: My experience of Jenny Doan doing a trunk show. In a nutshell: Fantastic! Plus a podcast suggestion and listener feedback. So much fun in an hour!

Mentioned in this episode:

Twilter Nametag Challenge Flickr group

Podcast series "Serial" 

Missouri Star Quilt Company video of the design I'd like to make:

Episode 167 In Which I Actually Get Some Quilting Done 10-26-14

In this episode, I talk about what I learned from my latest Craftsy class and was able to immediately put to use on my current project; I also review two books (see below for links). 

In this episode:

Dot-to-Dot Quilting with Angela Walters (Craftsy Class)

Shape by Shape: Free-Motion Quilting with Angela Walters

Hand Dyeing Yarn and Fleece by Gail Callahan

(Craftsy and Amazon links in these show notes help support this podcast and blog. Thanks!)

Episode 166 In Which I Traveled 10-22-14

In this episode, I announce the winner of the Q3 quilty resolutions giveaway, and talk about fiber-related shopping in Canada, Atlanta, and gifties at home. (Audio player link at bottom of post.)

In this episode:

Stitched from the Soul: Slave Quilts from the Antebellum South by Gladys-Marie Fry

SkyDyes: A Visual Guide to Fabric Painting by Mickey Lawler (Kindle version)

Missouri Star Quilt Company tutorial for tube-method pillowcases:

Episode 163 In Which I Welcome August 8-6-14

...or, In Which I May Have Referred to It as Episode 162. Oops. Sorry about that. In any case, this episode does not have a whole lot of quilty talk in it, although somewhere around 30 minutes in I do talk about purchases from Lolly's in Shipeshewana and then the Superior Threads order I'd gotten before I left town, including a little information about threads from the Thread Therapy DVD. So if you're not interested in hearing about a Drive Home from H-E-Double-Hockey Sticks, listen to the first 5-6 minutes of announcements (and a question posed to listeners), and then skip past the 30 minute mark or so for everything else.

Audio Block
Double-click here to upload or link to a .mp3. Learn more

Episode 161 In Which My Mouth Hurts 7-6-14

In this episode, I manage not to whine--at least, not much--about a tooth emergency that happened. But mostly, I announce the winner of the 2014 Quilty Resolutions 2d Quarter Check-in giveaway, talk about quilt projects I've completed and what I'm working on now, and a bit about holographic threads, paint sticks, and all sorts of sparkly pretties. 

Episode 160 In Which I Talk about Quilty Resolutions 6-29-2014

2014 is halfway in the bag! How did I miss that? In this episode, I announce (officially) the Second Quarter 2014 Quilty Resolutions Check-in Giveaway and Linky party. It's on my blog--click here for the actual post with the Rafflecopter giveaway and linky party. (The deadline is next Saturday.) I also give a Sandy update, and then talk about my own quilty resolutions and what staying focused has helped me to achieve so far this year. 

Episode 159 In Which I Got Some More Stuff Done 6-20-14

She's baa-aack, and she's gotten some stuff done. In this episode, I make a special announcement about a new-to-the-scene pattern designer (woo!), as well as the upcoming Banned Books Week Challenge, and then just talk about what I've gotten done lately. And a couple of new product reviews to boot.

In this episode:

Banned Books Week: www.bannedbooksweek.org. (Start thinking now about what book you might want to do.)

Tooltron Easy Cut Spring Action Scissor

Basting Clamps from Mesew.com

Episode 158 In Which I've Got Some Reviews 5-31-14

In this episode, I have a short announcement, give a Sandy Update mostly around the near-catastrophes of free motion quilting but with happy endings, review some books and products, and do (finally!) some listener feedback.

Mentioned in this episode:

Radiant Landscapes, by Gloria Loughman (C&T Publishing, 2013)

The Complete Photo Guide to Art Quilting, by Susan Stein (Creative Publishing International, 2012)

Free Motion Quilting Workbook, by Angela Walters (C&T Publishing/Stash Books, 2014)

Sticky Fabri-Solvy (Sulky)

Wash-Away Thread (YLI)

Vanish-Lite Water Soluble Thread (Superior)

Website recommended by listener Lauren: http://www.colourlovers.com

Textile art webzine recommended by listener Carol: grumpyandmad.blogspot.com

(Using Amazon links in these show notes helps support this podcast and blog. Thanks!)

Episode 157 In Which I Went on Retreat 5-19-14

Okay, so I actually recorded this on Monday night but am just getting around to posting it tonight. Oops. But nothing's gone out of date, so we're good! In this episode, I talk about what I accomplished on retreat, and include a few product recommendations and reviews. Pictures of my retreat projects will appear on the blog later.

In this episode:

"Building Blocks" pattern by Jackie of Sew Excited Designs, available on Craftsy (Definitely check it out!)

Sew-Ezi Table

Quick Ripper seam ripper (The price seems to vary a bit every time I look at it on Amazon, so keep an eye on it.)

Banjees wrist wallet by Sprigs

Dog collar purses by Daisy Couture (And yes, most of you could make those yourselves. I prefer to support someone else's desire to make them. But I don't need to talk about that again.)

Episode 155 In Which We Try New Things 4-22-14

In this episode I talk about doing a faced binding for the first time ever, and review the book In the Studio with Angela Walters.

Referenced in this episode:

Susan Brubaker Knapp's faced binding techniques:

In the Studio with Angela Walters

Episode 154 In Which I'm Luminous and Thready 4-16-14

In this episode, I start with another in the "12 mistakes to learn from" series of 2014; then we move on to announce a newcomer in the podcasting world (woot!), give an app review, talk about luminosity in quilts, and some yummy yummy thread I've been using lately.

Find Ms. Lottie's new podcast here: The Slightly Mad Quilt Lady on iTunes or direct from Podbean.

Luminosity quilts:

  • Check out Jinny Beyer's Borealis quilt.
  • This link *should* take you to Pinterest and a search results page for "Luminosity quilts." (If it doesn't work--you're on your own to use the search engine on Pinterest and see what turns up!) My favorites, mentioned in the episode, are "It's About Time" by Janet Stedman and "Lattice Works VI" by Carol Olsen

Superior Thread's website is here.

Episode 152 In Which I Interview Ami Simms and Celebrate My 4th Podcastaversary 3-30-14

Woot woot! We're turning four!

Come join me in celebrating my 4th podcastaversary by listening in on a conversation with Ami Simms, quilt author, designer, teacher, and very, very funny woman.

I also reveal the winner of the 2014 Quilty Resolutions First Quarter Check-in Giveaway, and announce my 4th Podcastaversary Giveaway that just went live on my blog. You've got a week to enter!

For more information about Ami Simms, click here. Be sure to sign up for her email newsletter--it's one of my faves to read.

Episode 151 In Which I'm Playing with Lancaster Toys 3-23-14

I announce the 2014 Quilty Resolutions First Quarter Check-in giveaway and linky party on my blog running this week, and give a quick preview of my Fourth Podcastaversary Giveaway next week! A Sandy Update, a book review, and some listener feedback round things out.

Mentioned in this episode:

Don't forget Daisy's giveaway at her blog: http://www.ldq.outlandishthreads.com.

Book review: Creative Stitching by Sue Spargo