Kimberly Einmo, the Craftsy Giveaway, and a little progress

I just posted my interview with Kimberly Einmo (episode 124). Woo! I really enjoyed the opportunity to meet and talk with Kimberly--very fun. I just wanted to make sure I posted on my blog as well so all-y'all who subscribe to the blog but may not subscribe to the podcast would know that Craftsy is sponsoring a giveaway on the episode--the winner will get a free Kimberly Einmo Craftsy class of their choice!

Check out the podcast!


Meanwhile, I got the center done of the Disappearing 9-Patch I'm making as a donation quilt. It's wheelchair size (or will be, once I slap some borders on this puppy), and I chose masculine colors for this one. Do you know how hard it is to find charm packs that aren't girly? Fortunately I had enough scraps to beef up the two charm packs I was able to lay my hands on. ​(Terrible, awful picture--that's what I get for doing it at 10:30 at night on my cell phone. Stinky lighting. I'll do better on the next progress shot.)


And I made more progress tonight on my House on a Hill Project for Laura Wasilowsky's class on Craftsy, "Hand-stitched Collage Quilts." ​The grass is done. Woot for grass.

See those two wonderful variegated threads? The pink in the flower (not the French knots) and the green in the grass? Those are both Laura's hand-dyed perle cottons, available through Tasty.​

I promise, better pictures next time. Pinky swear.​

Work in Progress Wednesday--House on a Hill

I've decided to try to join in the fun with Work in Progress Wednesday at freshlypieced.

As I talked about in my most recent podcast episode, I'm taking Laura Wasilowki's "Hand-Stitched Collage Quilts" class in Craftsy. Although I often go haring off into the wild and do my own design, I decided to go easy on myself this time and pretty much stick with hers, although I've made some tweaks here and there as suited my mood.

All of the fabrics less one are my own hand-dyed fabrics. The lime green fabric (grass) is commercial. ​

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Verily, in the ages of yore, there was a hill.

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​And on that hill, a house was built.

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As time passed, as the earth turned and daylight and moonlight did pass, trees and grass flourished.

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And as the rains did come followed by the brightness of sun, flowers verily bloomed.

And the world was securely fused to batting.​

And there was much rejoicing.

(Stay tuned. I just hit the embellishing stage.​)

Be sure to check out all the other Work in Progress Wednesday posts at freshlypieced!​