A little more patience, please...


Every two years, the organization I serve hosts two major national events (plus) nearly back to back. This is one of those years. I just got home yesterday from the first event weekend, and now am in the throes of finalizing details for the other which is at the end of July (and is actually three events in one). 

So this is just a bid for a little more patience! I haven't stopped blogging. I'm just using up all my energy for work. I got back in town Tuesday and am now nearly recovered from that trip, so I hope to get some blogs up later this week or over the weekend...not that I've got all that much to blog about...but I think I may have some stuff I got done before the mayhem hit but didn't get posted yet.

Meanwhile, have you listened to my episode with Jane Dunnewold yet? It's a good one! 

Yes, I'm a Dog-Person

With thanks to @quiltscapes for sending me this link. Wonderful. And Doofus came over to sit next to me and laid his head on my lap when he heard the video playing. Apparently he wanted me to know that really this video was about him.

On the 8th day, God made a farmer. On the 9th day, He made a dog. With gracious thanks and credit to: Lindsay Kennedy Photography - http://lindsaykennedyphotography.com/ Erin Vey - http://www.erinvey.com FidoJournalism - http://www.fidojournalism.com Photohound Dog Photography - http://www.photohound.biz Marilyn Jeffers Photography - http://www.marilynjeffersphotography.com Evocative Photography - http://evocativedogphoto.com Once around Venus Photography - http://familypetphotographyflorida.com Murphy Dog Studios - http://www.murphydogstudios.com & Unlimited ----- If I used your photo but didn't give you credit, so sorry.

A little color inspiration...a bird in the hand

​(Pardon me while I continue to test out the different methods of placing pictures in my blog. Have to see how well they all work!)

While on vacation in New Orleans a couple of weeks ago, my husband and I spent a morning at the Audobon Aquarium. We got there when it first opened and wasn't at all crowded; by 90 minutes later when we were ready to go, it was pretty full. So fair warning--if you go, go early.​

In any case, my favorite part of the aquarium was, interestingly enough, not the aquatic creatures. It was the parakeet house. I grew up with parakeets--my grandmother had those that came to live with us a few months out of the year when she did. I only really remember one of them. His name was Gentleman Jim, or GJ. We'd let him out of his cage and he'd fly around the room, but he mostly liked to be right where we were. I did a lot of homework at the kitchen table with GJ perched on the end of my pencil or trying to sharpen his beak on it while I was writing. He may or may not have been the same parakeet that liked to dive into the fish tank. That was a little more of an adventure. My sister also had birds as pets most of her growing up years, and still does. Me, not a fan of birds in the house myself. Too much seed tossed around, too noisy. But still, I thoroughly enjoyed playing with the parakeets in the parakeet house.

So I'm including two galleries here--one is just photos from our trip that may entice you to go to New Orleans yourself. The other is strictly for the birds.​

The galleries are on autoplay, but you can speed up or slow down using the control buttons at either side of the gallery, or you can click on the thumbnails below.

First, general scenes around New Orleans, including random parades that spring up all the time, St. Louis Cathedral, the statue about immigrants (didn't get the actual title), various music ensembles we would stumble across (favorite part of the trip), Audobon Aquarium, New Orleans from the ferry to Algiers Point and one great house in Algiers, and the bayou boat tour (see if you can spot all the critters).

And now for the birds...fantastic colors! Definitely could inspire some quilts.​

This blog and podcast are moving soon...

...as soon as the domain redirect happens, in any case. Which could be any time in the next 24-48 hours.

qftru logo.jpg

I am moving my blog and podcast show notes all under one roof. This is a change I've been wanting to make for some time, but never had the time to put it all together. However, some changes on one of my hosts ticked me off and made it too difficult for y'all to be part of the conversation. So I finally enacted something I've been poking away at for awhile.

If you subscribe to my podcast through iTunes, no fears. Nothing has changed there.

However, as soon as that redirect goes into action, when you go to www.quiltingfortherestofus.com you'll see my brand new, whiz bang website! (I'm not making the link in that sentence active because at the moment it still goes to the old place.)

There's a page for my blog.

There's a separate page for all the show notes to my podcast episodes, plus you'll be able to stream or download episodes from that page too.

Each of those pages has a separate RSS feed, available through a link on the sidebar, so you can subscribe to either of them however you want. You can subscribe to my blog through Feedly or Bloglovin' or whatever your what-you're-using-now-that-GR-is-no-more-of-choice is. You can use your favorite podcatcher to subscribe to the podcast, if you don't get it through iTunes.

The most important thing to me? You'll be able to leave comments on the show notes to my podcast without having to bow down to the Evil Overlord of Facebook. 

Okay, so I use Facebook. I don't mind Facebook. I absolutely detest being forced to use Facebook as my commenting system on my podcast and I detest having listeners not be able to leave comments unless they have a Facebook account.

But let me not get venting again. 

I'm excited about the new site. It's pretty. It has some very nice features for me from an admin point of view. I hope it's easy and attractive for you to navigate from a user point of view. I'm still poking away at some things--it probably won't be fully set up by the time you're first able to visit it. 

But I hope you'll visit. And I hope you'll help me test it out by leaving all sorts of comments!

I'll post here again when the redirect has happened and I'll leave RSS feeds here and such too. Eventually I'll take the time (when I have it again) to actually post a redirect here. So this is just your heads-up. Keep posted!

Are you reading this through Google Reader?

Google just announced it's plans to shut down Google Reader in July. I'm not panicking. That's plenty of time and, given the backlash, they may have been surprised by the number of people actually using Reader and may extend it. Still, it's a good time to explore how you follow blogs and perhaps make some changes.

Just don't change that you're reading this blog. :-)

I've been doing some research for my own use, so I thought I'd pass along some links to articles for you for now--these may help you check out some alternatives. Everyone has different needs and likes/dislikes so what works beautifully for someone else may not work for you. For example, when I first got my iPad, a friend told me I should use FlipBook because she just adored it, best thing since sliced bread, etc. I didn't like it at all. That doesn't mean she's wrong, just means we have different needs and tastes. So, test them out, play around a bit, see which one you like best.





(These are just a few articles--more will likely be coming out every day.)

These are simply the articles I've come across today--more will be written in the future so keep checking the web. It does seem like Feedly is coming out strong in terms of top recommendation, but as I'm writing this on vacation I can't test anything out until I'm home this weekend. By the way, as Google continues to tighten it's offerings-belt, I had already started the process of moving this blog from Blogger to Wordpress. Blogger has begun to annoy me, for one, but I'm seeing the writing on the wall. I'll give y'all fair warning when it happens so we can make sure we don't lose any of you! Meanwhile, have fun looking at your other Reader possibilities. Find what works for you.

Posted with Blogsy

Posted with Blogsy