Oops--missed it again

I'd really thought I'd do a give-away for 2000 subscribers but if I can believe the stats, we'll be at that before Mother's Day. So much for that. We'll all just have to celebrate together in spirit, with no presents!

Anyway, I have been brewing some great ideas for future give-aways and an upcoming challenge that I'll announce in my next show after this one posts. Episode 008 "goes live" tomorrow (Sunday)--I recorded it immediately after episode 007 since I didn't want to lose track of what I'd already said and repeat myself. The downside is, I won't be doing anything with listener comments on #8--sorry. But the upside is I have plenty of time to collect new comments before recording episode #9 sometime next week! (Don't forget to add your comments to "You Know You're a Quilter When...."--I've enjoyed those!)

It's Saturday--yay! I'm leaving shortly to get groceries--we're scraping the bottom of the barrel around here. I also have a commitment in the early afternoon, but am thinking about treating myself to a stop at a nice quilt shop I'd be driving by on the way home. Can't decide--I really have to start downsizing my stash after some recent adds to it. Other than that and some general housework/yardwork, I have plans to get some quality time in my sewing room this weekend, for the first time in awhile. Hope to have some pics to share by Sunday night.

I'm going to start some stash-busting goals--share yours if you've got them!
  • Month of May: Use at least 4 more yards of fabric than I buy. IOW, I have a quilt retreat this month and those often include a run to a nearby quilt shop, so I'm not punishing myself with a "no buy" regimen. But I want to end up ahead of the game. So if I buy fabric, I have to use at LEAST that much fabric plus another four yards. Not actually as hard as it might sound--I have some quilt backings to do to knock off some UFOs, LOL.
And here's a small project I'm going to try to do this weekend to help go towards those goals. (I've made these before--they're fast and very cute!)