I'm just barely getting this post done while it's still Friday. It's not like I was waiting to see if I actually got any activity in this week before writing it, exactly, but... well, I did just get back from the canal. So I do have something to write about. Nice how that worked out.
PT is still going well. Since she sounds like she's about to "graduate" me from the work on my knee (we're still going to be addressing the vertigo later), I talked with my PT during my appointment yesterday about whether I could start doing a 5K training program again. She suggested I bring my running sneakers to my appointment next week and we'd jog around the parking lot a bit to see how it went. Well, it was a gorgeous day out today and I decided, true to form, why wait? So I packed up Sammy and my running sneakers, and off we went.
I'm using the Zombies Run 5K training program; got Week 1, Day 1 done. Oh, I've missed my zombies. It was fun to be hearing the actors' voices that had been such a part of my life (on and off) over the last few years. I was a bit surprised by my playlist, however. I'd forgotten that I'd had to reset my iPhone a few weeks ago and thereby lost my playlists. I haven't taken the time to get them all set back up again, so the only songs on my workout playlist were 8 or 9 new ones that I'd added by phone over the last few weeks. It was a nice surprise in that all the music was new to the playlist, so I wasn't listening to the same old tunes that have kept me company on the elliptical the last several years. I periodically add a couple of new tunes here and there, but a lot of that music has gotten pretty tired. It's time to give the list an overhaul. In any case, tonight's playlist was an eclectic bunch: A little ELO, a little Mark Ronson, a little Tina Turner, a little Iggy Azalea...fun group to keep me and the Sam-ster going. I admit to a little audible singing along and a few jiggy steps when I was in a deserted section of the canal path. (Can you listen to "Son of a Preacher Man" and not do a little bopping?)
My knee did great during the canal extravaganza. However, I could feel it started to stiffen up a bit afterwards (and while I was doing some of my PT exercises when I got home) so I popped some Advil and I'm writing this on my iPad, ensconced on my couch with my leg up and and ice pack applied. That's more of a precautionary thing--it doesn't actually hurt, but I can feel it reacting. We'll see how it is in the morning.
No 5k training tomorrow--you're supposed to do one day on, one day off, anyway; If my knee is normal tomorrow, I'll just do a regular canal walk.
Sam would've danced along to Uptown Funk if he had any sense of rhythm whatsoever.
I'd be doing fine on the eating front if my daughter hadn't moved home and brought Oreos with her. Dang it all. I'm powerless in the face of an Oreo.