T-shirt Pillows--Done!

When my daughter cleaned out her room in preparation for going away to college, she had two tshirts she no longer wore but wanted to keep; one for sentimental reasons, one because she just thought it was cool.

I offered blithely, "Would you like me to turn those into pillows?" Her eyes brightened. "Yes, please!"  

And then, dang if those shirts didn't sit on the shelves in my sewing room for two years.  

Finally, last weekend for #LDSI, I took the 90 minutes or so that the whole project required and got them done. One went together very quickly, the other was a bit trickier.  So I'm going to share my steps with you briefly, but this is not a complete tutorial.

Never having done anything with t-shirts before, I decided to do a quick google and found this tutorial that had a helpful tip I used about how to make the slip case if you're using a pillow form. 


The first pillow was quite straightforward. I had measured the size of the images on front and back and had bought a 14" square pillow form to fit.

Note that the back is cut into 2 pieces to make the flap; the bottom piece was cut along the hem so the edge flap was already hemmed. I wasn't able to do the same with the part that had the writing on the back, so I did have to hem the flap edge of that side.  The larger piece is about 2/3rds the total size of the front, the smaller piece was cut to overlap the larger piece by a couple of inches.


Note the two hems--one from the shirt (lower) the other I sewed (upper). I'm not a garment-sewer so I don't know what stitches one should use, but I picked one that looked the most like an overlock (Is that what you call it, the stitch that sergers use?). I thought it had everything it needed to keep the edge secure and not overly stretchy.


This is the foot my Janome told me to use with the stitch. No idea what it's called. I call it "C." And so, "C" it shall be.

First time I've ever used it.  Nice to have it when you need it!




A boatload of pins and a few fast seams later, and there you've got it. Voila. A pillow.

No way was this puppy going to be centered unless I took the time to add some sort of borders around it or something and frankly, this is a pillow she's likely to have for the next couple of years and then get rid of it when she actually cares about decor. She'll love it as-is; I didn't feel the need to get all fancy-dancy with it. 

I started with the easy one to get into the swing of things. The second pillow, not quite so easy.

You see, it's an electric pillow. The logo on the front (used to) have noise-activated lights. The logo lights up and then the lights dance up and down the logo depending on how much noise there is the room. I say "used to" because it's been in her room awhile and I suspect the battery is dead. But that's going to be her problem!


For the most part, it's the same pillow technique. However, I had the added issue of working around a battery cord while I was sewing, and I had to figure out how to get a pocket to hold the battery pack in there once it was complete.  

I had to keep flipping this dang thing (and it's heavy!) out of my way while I was sewing lest I break the battery cord and my sewing machine by going right over it. Quelle pill.


Here's your notion recommendation of the tute: Get yourself Pellon's Lite EZ-Steam II. It comes in 1/2" and 1/4" widths: I have the 1/4". I used this double-sided fusible tape to hold down the edges of the pocket (and the hem on the white shirt) while I sewed it. Very simple to apply, held everything easily in place while sewing, and it helped me know where the 1/4" was! I think I'm a convert.


I mean, look at this. How pretty.




True confessions. Since I was in a bit of a hurry to finish this project up and get on to things I knew I'd enjoy more, I forgot to flip the front of the tshirt over and pin it right-sides together with the back; when I finished sewing and turned everything right-side out, I was looking at the inside of the front of the t-shirt. Oops. But here's the nice thing about working with stretchy t-shirt material. When I subsequently realized there was no way in Hades I was going to be able to rip those darn seams out, I just sliced them all off and sewed new seams. It actually fits the pillow form even better now, having to stretch just a little bit to get over it. 


And so, here are the finished products. 

(I have a sneaking suspicion I'm supposed to blur out the logos for fear of copyright infringement or something. Oh well--if this picture disappears eventually, you'll know why!) 






And that tricky back pocket for the battery pack? 

Done and done. 

(Yes, could've made it a more finished edge on the right but refer back to the comments above about shelf-life and future decor.) 

I finished up a lot of UFOs this past weekend, but these I'm particularly glad to get off my shelf. They've been whining at me. It'll be nice to have some peace and quiet again.

Labor Day Sew-In (Let the Sewing Begin!) #LDSI

It's finally here! Yes, the weekend you've all been waiting for...

The Labor Day Sew-In!

There's actually a couple of opportunities to get together and have a great time while getting stuff done.. 


Be sure to check out Lazy Daisy Quilts and Daisy's #LDSI giveaway. (She's always a source of fun!) 


And I've been hearing rumors of others--if I get word of a new one, I'll update this blog post with a link. 


Meanwhile, here's mine. 

Now that I'm creating all this wonderful hand-dyed fabric, I need to make space on my shelves. So I'm giving away some of my wonderful, beautiful commercial fabric to someone who may actually be able to put it to good use!

LDSI Giveaway

LDSI Giveaway

Four yards.

Count 'em. Four yards

One yard each of gorgeous, coordinated 100% quilter's cotton fabrics. 

The three purples are from the Florentine line of P&B Textiles. One is a border print.

The yellow fabric is one I had in my stash that coordinates beautifully although not from the same line (it's labeled "Chanteclair" on the selvedge with no further information.)  I inherited all of these from my mother's stash. They've survived several stash purges of mine but given I still have yet to use them, I decided to let them fly/be free and hopefully show up (in a picture!) soon in someone else's completed project.

(Fair warning: I believe I washed all of these after inheriting them. I live in a smoke-free environment but do have two dogs.) 

To enter in this drawing, please use the Rafflecopter widget embedded below and leave a comment there letting everyone know what quilty project you're currently working on--whether you're able to participate in #LDSI or not.

Make sure your email address is visible to me! I need to have an email address to contact the winner. In the past, I've had to skip a potential winner because they hadn't left an email address for me to be in touch! Double-check your settings to make sure your email address appears in your profile, or just leave it in the comment itself.

(Another fair warning: This is the first time I'm using Rafflecopter because I know some people have difficulty on occasion leaving comments on my blog, so I'm trying this way instead. I'll be watching it carefully through the weekend. If it doesn't seem to work well, I'll go back to the old-school "leave a comment on the blog" thing.)

This giveaway will end at midnight (Eastern time) on Monday, September 2, 2013.

I'll announce the winner on Tuesday. Remember to make sure I can see your email address! And check your email on Tuesday!

Labor Day Sew-In, Anyone? #LDSI

It's become a Twitter tradition to have sew-ins around major holidays. I was just recently asked if we were going to do one this weekend. See, for those of my readers who aren't U.S.-based, this coming Monday is Labor Day and a lot of folks have the day off. Picnics and barbecues generally ensue.

I don't exactly know what my weekend will entail yet, but it seems like it's shaping up to be pretty low-key, so sure. Let's do a sew-in!  We'll start it Friday morning because, gee, that's when I happen to start my long weekend. It'll run through Monday night. Roughly. All depends on time zones and international date lines and all that.

If you're on Twitter, use the hashtag #LDSI as you tweet about what you plan to do, what you are doing, and what you've *actually* managed to get done. Some of us have been known to post pics of other goings-on in the house while we're sewing, and some of us have been known to post pictures of our shoes. And our toenails. And such. 

If you're not on Twitter, feel free to still play along! I think, just for kicks n' giggles, I'll do a giveaway on this blog in honor of #LDSI. It'll probably be fabric from my stash. (Having just moved it from sewing room to bedroom and back to make room for the electricians to do their thing, I'm thinking it might be time to downsize a little of it.) So get ready...

Happy Labor Day Sew-In!