Previous unit of the same type but smaller
If you’ve been following along in the podcast, you’ll know that I’m now piecing the fourth unit for the block. This unit is a square in a square…in a square. I’m sure there’s a word for that. But essentially it starts with a square, piece four triangles on to make a square on point, and then another four triangles to make it a square-in-a-square no longer on point. If that makes sense.
Anyway, looking at the stack of pieces, I knew I was nowhere near close to having enough of the final set of triangles. So tonight I put my big-girl-panties on, as it were, and did a count to see just how far off I am.
I need 380 more triangles.
Big sighs. Several of them. In a row.
So I pulled what little medium blue batik I have left in my stash, did some math, and realized that yep, I need to buy more fabric. I was a little over a yard short and no…I don’t have close to enough in my existing scrap stash.
Fat Quarter Shop just got some of my business tonight.