This week, I'm thinking...
- How good it feels to have the "kids in college" thing behind us.
- That moving another person's four years' worth of stuff back into the house is a challenge.
- That I've now built enough shelves over the last few years that I no longer have to refer to directions.
- how much bruises hurt.
- that I bruise way too easily.
- From carrying cartons...really?
- But the one I got when I pinched my arm between two metal poles while building said shelves is pretty legit.
- and it's a good thing no one was around to hear me immediately following the incident.
- That it's nice to know PT is working.
- How the downside to being more organized and capturing more tasks I need to do is that I've been spending so much time taking care of tasks I haven't spent much of any time in my sewing room.
- How that sorta stinks.
- But it's my own fault.
- You can only put off household stuff for so long before it comes back to haunt you.
- And it'll feel good getting it all done.
Photoedited with "smart splash" effect to remove color from all but the embroidery thread.
- How, on the flip side, that means I've been doing a lot of embroidery.
- That I'm once again going to be away for a weekend.
- How this one will be very nice too, but for different reasons.
- Vacay with my husband.
- Relaxing.
- Seeing plays.
- Reading.
- And probably more embroidery.