This week, I'm thinking...
This little critter has been joining me for morning coffee every morning this week. (Taken through my living room window. The dogs have, so far, remained oblivious.)
- that it's nice to feel definite improvement in my knee after roughly three months of PT
- how I've now "graduated" from PT
- that I need to figure out some way to keep myself going on the PT exercises without that weekly appointment I'm working towards
- that I'm not burning up the track on exercise in general
- how I really need to fix that at some poin
- but it won't be anytime soon
- because I'm getting on a plane again in a few days
- and then another plane a few days after that
- but the second trip is vacation and we usually do a lot of walking
- so we'll see how well this PT thing really worked
- how I got my syllabus this week for my first doctoral studies residency session in August
- that I immediately stressed out when reading it
- how my response to stress is to go into task-oriented-mode
- how that works well in this situation, at least, because I therefore scheduled out all the readings and papers on my task list with deadlines n' all
- and immediately felt better
- as long as I only thought about it in one day increments
- because there's a boatload I'm supposed to get done before even showing up on campus in August.
- that this is likely going to be my last Thinkin' about It Thursday post for awhile
- See above