This week, I'm thinking...
- that it's finally decided to be winter again.
- how I'm back to running space heaters and wearing fingerless gloves in my office.
- that apparently I'm leaning into the bullet journal thing.
- that I was ridiculously excited to get the email that my next StichFix has shipped.
- how it's almost like Christmas to open that box and see what they've sent.
- that I've got to keep myself from checking out front every day to see if my package has arrived yet.
- how it'll probably be early next week when it finally comes. (Tapping fingers on desk.)

- how it was almost as fun to get my husband subscribed to StitchFix for Men
- because he absolutely hates going shopping
- and his wardrobe decreased by at least 50% when he changed jobs last spring and donated all the free logo shirts he owned from the former company
- and we joked that there would be some very well-dressed homeless men downtown doing some free advertising for said former company.
- that I was right to convince him that setting up delivery from StitchFix every couple of months would help him update his now-mostly-empty-closet without the grief of having to go to the mall
- how he whined even just filling out the stupid questionnaire (sigh)
- how right I was
- because he actually liked a lot of what was in the first box
- and he's keeping three shirts (the two button-downs and the flannel)
- and he grudgingly admitted it was probably a good idea for him. I win.
- how it's like pulling teeth to get my draft thesis proposal done
- that I'm trying not to stress because I'm supposed to be turning it in within the next week
- how I'll be spending some heads-down time this weekend because I just need to get the monkey off my back.
(The StitchFix link above is a referral link--you'd be helping to support my husband's wardrobe, LOL. If you prefer, just go to and click on the StitchFix for Men tab. This link is not a referral link.)