UFO coming in for a landing

A very old UFO, at that.

This was a block of the month challenge in my guild many years ago. I had to go back on my blog to see what previous references I had to it—apparently it was a challenge in my guild in 2008. I finished the top at a retreat in 2017. I quilted it myself on a longarm (rental) maybe two or three years ago. And this morning I finished the last stitches on a machine binding. Done. Well, I skipped putting a label on it but when I had my daughter play Quilt Holder for the photo I told her to just remember when she finds it in a closet when I’m gone that I’m the one who made it.

And this blog post will give her the rest of the history.

This project made me realize just how wishy-washy the color taupe is. Here’s a great post about it: https://www.colorpsychology.org/taupe/. You can see in this quilt everything from green to purple to beige but most of it is actually considered “taupe.” Wild.

I loved Japanese taupe quilts when I started this way back in 2008. I collected fat quarters for probably a year before I actually decided to use them in this challenge. These are no longer colors I gravitate towards but I still basically like it. It finished to just about lap quilt size so I’ll probably plant it in our living room where I sometimes sit in an armchair to read. It kind of works with the colors in there.

Mostly, it’s really nice to have a finish. Even a finish that is LONG overdue.

P.S. My quilt holder comes with feet. A artistic touch to any quilt. It almost came with a Golden Retriever photo bombing it with her favorite toy but I managed to avoid that addition.