Update: Old Craftsy links on Blog/Podcast No Longer Work

Just a quick note: I received a notification that all of my old links to Craftsy Classes when they switched to Bluprint are now broken. They’ve actually been broken for quite some time. I just wasn’t paying attention.

I honestly don’t have the time to go back and fix them. Sorry about that—there are way too many of them and as you know, I’m having enough problems keeping up with today, let alone redoing work from 5 years ago!

If any of those classes interest you, they’re pretty much all still available through the current Craftsy streaming app, so just search there. Craftsy has also completely changed up their class system and payment structure and I haven’t kept up. I’m currently just watching old stuff and haven’t been paying too much attention to anything new, so I can no longer speak with authority about the platform. That being said, the fact I’m going back and watching my old classes speaks to the quality of a lot of those classes!

I do miss the glory days of Craftsy, but maybe it’s still as good as it used to be. I just haven’t been using it. If anyone is now doing the New Revised Standard Version of Craftsy (sorry, can’t resist the clergy joke) and would like to give a quick review in the comments, please feel free!