Okay, where did I leave off?
The next one started out a fairly uniform hot pink. I believe I'd used my "strongest red" dye the first time. Not quite as deep a red as I'd expected. Very nice, but I wanted to play with it some more. I thought it would be fun to try dying it an even darker red if I could, and use rubber bands to make rings. I was hoping for vibrant pink rings to show up in a deeper red field. Not quite. If you squint and look at it sideways, you can almost see the rings. Nice, just not what I was working towards.
Deep Pink "Before"
Red/Pink "After"
Here's another I wasn't too jazzed about the first time. It was pleat-folded and dyed orange. This time I dyed it yellow and pleated it in the same direction as the first time.
Orange Pleat "Before"
Yellow-Orange Pleat "After"
Next, I decided to take a blue-green snow-dyed fabric and see if I could do a little sumpin' sumpin' with it. I kept it simple, though--I wanted more yellow-greens in my stash to do some landscape quilts, so I scrunched this one up in a yellow dye bath.
Blue-Green Snow-dye "Before"
Blue-Green Snow-dye "After"