May Craftsy Class Update


Ain't he cute? A little whonky, but cute!

Ain't he cute? A little whonky, but cute!

I'm still working on Ann Petersen's Beyond Basic Machine Quilting. At least I've made a lot of progress on it, finally! I debated going ahead and posting my review even though I'm not actually done with it yet, but I've decided to stay honest and wait until I'm really completely done--or, at least, whatever I've determined will define "done" on this project. I probably won't get it finished this week due to some travel but next week looks good.

A quick reminder here: I'm doing these posts to meet one of my 2014 Quilty Resolutions. Are you still working on yours? I'll be doing a quarterly check-in and giveaway at the end of June, so check your list and get ready to 'fess up...I in on your own progress!

New Completions

Online Quilting Classes

Nada. But progress!

Classes in Progress

Current count: 2

  • Beyond Basic Machine Quilting with Ann Petersen.
  • Thread Art with Lola Jenkins. Well, in my head, anyway.
  • I might return to one of my cooking classes in the next couple of weeks: I have a couple I started but never finished. I just haven't had the time to do much cooking lately so those have languished a bit.

Classes added this month

None. The ones I'm working on are keeping me too busy to check out new ones!

Classes To Be Completed

Current count: 18 (no change)

Completed Classes (all topics)

Current count: 22 (no change)

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