This week, I'm thinking...
(Ice-covered car window from 2016--I haven't taken any winter pics yet this year)
- That it's such a Western NY thing to do to start training for a 5k outside in the snow
- That running on snow-covered sidewalks is akin to running on a sandy beach
- except for the temperature
- and the color of the sky
- and, basically, any color visible anywhere
- except my neon running clothes
- because I'm desperate for color by February
- That "running" may be overstating what we're doing at this point
- How excited I was when I saw that I don't leave town for vacation until after the Color Run is in Rochester
- so I get to finally do the Color Run
- because don't all quilters basically want to take a bath in color?
- How that means I'm suddenly going from not-a-runner to signed up for two 5ks in a row
- because the "graduation" event of the running club is the Wegmans Family 5k at the end of April
- and the Color Run is in the middle of May
- so I know I'll keep running for at least that long!
- That I'd really better not blow out my knee this time around or I'll be seriously ticked at myself
- How that's the reason I joined the 5k training club through Fleet Feet
- so I would train properly
- and have people to ask about form and such
- and not have to run alone
- because that's creepy
- even if Fleet Feet did make us all get headlamps to wear for our evening runs until daylight savings time
- so we'll look like an alien glowing caterpillar when all 50-ish of us are out running two-by-two along city streets
- which makes me really wish someone could get an aerial shot of that
- How I've still got a lot of prep to do before Saturday when we're hosting a tea party for DD's 24th birthday
- because she's big into tea
- and so am I
- and its fun to bring out for once the family tea sets we've inherited
- That I can't wait to make the cranberry orange scones from my friend's recipe because those scones were dang good when she gave some to me as a Christmas gift
- How I need to save up as many WW weekly points as possible for those scones
- and clotted cream
- and homemade preserves from my sister-in-law
- but at least I drink my tea straight....